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"Are you all packed?" My mom asked. "Yeah I guess, but do I really have to spend my whole summer with some random fucking mentor?!" I snap. My mom wants me to stay with this guy, Luke I think his name is, over the summer break. This idiotic idea was put in my mothers head by my fuckwit of a school councillor who thought that this guy would be a good influence on me. Yeah right. I would like to see him to try to influence me.

"Ava we already talked about this, from what I've heard this Luke is a lovely young man and I think it would be good for you to have some positive role models in your life. I'm only trying to do what's best for you" I looked at my mother dumbfounded. "Are you fucking kidding me. You think that it's best to send you child, your only daughter might I add, to live with some random for the entire summer for what? For the off chance that I come back an entirely different child? I always knew you liked Trent more than me but sending me away? Really?!? This is bullshit. Even by you standards." I spit at my mom and storm past her with my suitcase in hand. "I'll drive myself" i shout leaving the house.

I load my stuff in and start the car before my mom can object. I pull out of the drive way and head to a nearby gas station for a pack of cigarettes. God my mother can stress me out. I pull up and ask the guy for a pack of  Marlboro golds. Once I have them I walk outside and light one. Smoking doesn't give me the head rush it used to. Shame. Once I'm calm again, I get back in the car and look up the address of my glorified babysitter.

I start driving down the highway. Luke lives pretty close luckily because I hate driving on highways. I take my exit and start trying to find his street. Once I finally come to a nice apartment building I park my car and have another cigarette before I head inside. At the door I look at the numbers on the door buzzer "114" I whisper to myself a I press the button.

I don't know exactly what's in that
apartment, but I have a feeling it's going to ruin my summer.
Hey guys idk if you like this but I'm going to write it anyways...
drop a vote if u want and comment suggestions
K byeeee

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