Skeleton in the Mirror

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Reina: Here's the fanfic for Skulduggery Pleasant.

Skeleton in the Mirror


"Paladins!" Allura's voice called over the intercom. "Get ready for training!"

"UGGGGHHHHHH!" I moaned as I threw my pillow over my face. Why did we have to get up this early? Yes, we are defending the universe, but I refuse to get up this early - unless there are hot girls nearby, and I doubt that there are any besides Allura nearby.

"Paladins!" Allura's voice commanded once more.

"Okay, okay!" I yelled, despite the fact that Allura couldn't hear me. I shuffled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Turning on the cold water, I splashed it on my face from the sink and looked up....

Only to see a skeleton in a trench coat and hat staring back.

I blinked. The skeleton was still there. I smacked myself to see if I was asleep, but nothing changed.

"Hello," the skeleton said.

"GAAHHHHHH!" I screamed and bolted from my room, crashing into Keith, who happened to be walking nearby.

"Lance, what the f*** is your problem?" Keith muttered from beneath me.

I scrambled off of him. "There is a skeleton in my bathroom!"

"You watch too many movies," Keith muttered as he got up and brushed himself off. "It might be one of the inhabitant's body from Altea."

"It isn't!" I insisted.

"May I ask you a question?" The skeleton asked as it exited my room and summoned fire.

Keith gaped at the skeleton. Then we bolted off to go find Shiro.


I watched the two boys run off and sighed.

"I wanted to know where I was," I muttered as I walked the opposite direction.

Reina: Really short and OOC for Keith, Lance, and possibly Skulduggery.

But I finally wrote my first Skulduggery fic and one-shot.

Unless it becomes a full-length fic.

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