Deletreo de Nombre (Tag)

36 7 8

I found this tag from YoakeYoru 's book. You take your username and for every letter, you write out a character's name, kind of like an acrostic poem.

Here's mine:

Renji Abarai (Bleach)
Emmeryn (Fire Emblem)
Ivysaur (Pokemon)
Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter)
All of Love (Snow Lily - Servamp)

Danny Rand - Iron Fist (Ultimate Spiderman)
Eliza Scorn (Skulduggery Pleasant)

Near (Death Note)
Atom (Ray Palmer - Legends of Tomorrow)
Iskander (The Kane Chronicles)
Pyrrah Nikos (RWBY)
Elluka Clockworker (Evillious Chronicles)
Shiro (Shirogane Takahashi - Voltron: Legendary Defender)

I tag anyone who wants to do this!

Also, I managed to get a different fandom for each one! (but somehow managed not to use AoT, Kid Icarus, or Zelda)

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