Another Vampire Servant Question

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There's something I want to do in the Vampire's Servant but it might mess things up.....

No, it's not going to create sympathy for Leora. It might for Lamia and (Y/N)....

And I'm going to do it, I might have to have Echo reveal it to Lamia (if I make them have a separate conversation again). (Y/N) might not know about it unless Lamia or Echo reveal it to her.


I sound like I'm making supports for Lamia, Echo, and (Y/N).

But anyway, it mildly affects the outcome of the story, and it requires Leora to be more evil. If I don't add it, it isn't a big deal.

I'll just add it in. I wanna say that I won't create more hatred towards Leora, but I could be totally wrong.

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