Fictional Character Names

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I'm trying to make two new characters (a boy and a girl), but I don't know what name goes well with the last names Lunashard and Skullscribe.

The girl is about 14 years old has the last name Lunascribe. She's shy and isn't very outgoing.

The boy is 17 and his last name is Skullscribe. He's super rebellious and swears frequently.

The two characters are the younger half-siblings of Isa and her twin Nico, as well as Asa Nightshade.

Lunashard can .... I actually have no idea what powers to give her. Wind? Light? Summoning a sword made of moonlight? Turning music into a weapon by playing a song and it damaging enemies?

Skullscribe can either manipulate dark energy into a sword or use magic as a weapon.

Neither of them have Isa, Nico, or Asa's abilities. This is due to the fact that their moms (they have different mothers) weren't shapeshifters so they didn't inherit the gene from Asa, Isa, and Nico's dad.

Asa's in a similar boat as them. He has elemental magic.

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