I've Fallen For You

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Chapter Twelve

I was in my room after Gram's funeral. Traveling took a lot of my energy. Our dad was now staying with Bonnie and I,but as usual,he was on business again,so it was just us again. I woke up fairly early that day and starting working on my school paper on the Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. The subject was so boring that I must have dozed off.
Again I awoke to someone gently stroking my hair. It was Damon,laying next to me on my bed.
"Hi,"Damon said.
"Hi,"I said back.
I didn't want him to stop playing with my hair,but we had bigger issues.
"How'd you get in here?Don't you have to be invited in?"I said,sitting up.
He smiled at me,doing the same.
"Bonnie let me in while Elena was here,but they both left. I decided to stay here until you woke up. I guess they figured that you were still working."
I gazed into his eyes. His beautiful eyes.
"That was awfully nice of you. Actually,one of the only nice things you've done."
"What about the first time I did this?"
Before I could ask,his lips were on mine and moving in sync.
He gave me a confused look.
He tried to go back to kissing me,but I pushed him.
"Damon,this isn't right.You're dating someone."
He sighed.
"Not anymore.Kaitlin broke up with me.She said that I have some things to figure out.Some things meaning...you."
Kaitlin wasn't kidding. She did want Damon and I together.
"What about me?"I asked,raising my eyebrow.
He took a long pause then looked me in the eye.
"I think I'm falling for you,Dalian."
I blinked.'What..?"
"No,not think.I've fallen for you,I'm in love with you."
I couldn't speak.It wasn't like Damon to be so forward. He normally just dropped a series of unhelpful hints until he felt you would get the point
"Please say something."He said,pressing for my answer.
I reached for his hand,taking it in mine.
"Damon...why are you acting like this?"
His brushed a stray hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.
"Like what?"
I sighed at his obliviousness.
"You're being so sweet and gentle.That's not like you,but if you don't remember I'm a human! The Damon I know would never fall in love with a human!"
He moved closer to me so our lips were only inches apart.
"You're not just a human."
"Then what am I,Damon?"
He looked me in the eyes.
"You're my everything."He said then kissing me gently.
I was flying.This is what I wanted,but now I realized that I could trust him.
I pulled back.
"Damon,stop! You can't just think that kissing me is going to solve everything! You are in love with Elena or Katherine or whoever! There's too much baggage with you! We....we can't be together and you know it. When vampires and humans love each other,death and destruction will follow."
***Damon's POV***
I looked at Dally with fear. She was angry and who knows what she would do. I hated seeing her like that.
'When vampires and human love each other,death and destruction will follow.'
She sounded just like Emily when she said that.In fact,it was the same thing that Emily had told me.
It had been five years since I last saw Emily. I promised that I would come back for her and we could be together. I knocked on the door wit confidence,waiting to see Emily's reaction.
The door opened to reveal a small little girl that looked just like Emily. My heart dropped.
"Elizabeth,what did I tell you about opening the door when I'm not in the room?"Emily's voice called.
"You told me not to,Mama."
Emily was still beautiful. A little older sure,but still beautiful. Her silky brown hair was tucked under her bonnet,but small strands were falling out from under it.I wanted nothing more than to tuck them behind her ear.
"Exactly,now go play with your brothers."
The little girl looked at me and did what Emily said. Emily's eyes finally met mine.
"Hello,Damon,"she said,shutting the door behind her.
She gave me a fearful glance.
"You're pretty bold to come here now."
"I know,but I had to see you."
Emily chuckled darkly.
"Damon...I've moved on.I waited for you for five years!"
He didn't say anything.
"I know,but..."
"No,I know what happened. You've been away...you've changed.After you became a vampire..."
"What,Emily?! What do you want me to say,I'm sorry for turning?!" I yelled at her.
I instantly caught myself,I had never yelled at her before. I looked up and saw a tear run down her cheek. Oh,Emily.I'm so sorry.
"No,Damon. I knew when you got involved with Ms.Katherine that you were bound to turn. I just didn't think that you would lose your humanity. You're killing just because you feel like you can! You're not the Damon I knew."
"Well,he's gone and he's not coming back."
"I know,that's why I moved on.Remember,when vampires and humans love each other,death and destruction will follow.Surely,you know that now.Goodbye,Damon."She said.
She stood on her tiptoes to kiss my forehead.
She gave me one last look over before returning inside to her family. I found myself becoming increasingly jealous of her husband,that bastard had her and hopefully,like me,he wasn't stupid enough to let her go.
I would miss her,but I knew that it would be the last time I gazed at her beautiful face.
~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~

"Fine,Dally. If that's the way you want it,I'll leave.At least Elena wouldn't deny her feelings for me."
Oh shit.Had I just said that you her?
Her eyes widened and tears were threatening to spill over.
"Yeah you should go,Damon."she said,sitting back on the bed in defeat.
"Dally,I didn't mean-"I said,running to comfort her.
She held her hand up and I was unable to move.
"Don't...just go..."She said,choking out words.
I nodded and sped out of the house,desperately trying to forget my mistake.
***Dally's POV***
I couldn't believe the things that Damon had said to me,but I knew it,he was still in love with Elena.
I needed some fresh air so I decided to go for a walk. It was really late and Bonnie and Elena still weren't back. Even though I knew that Bonnie would get all pissy because I left the house late,I didn't care. I needed to clear my head.
The weather in the park was perfect. It was cool and breezy,just how I like it. As I stood on the sidewalk to talk in the weather,I heard a voice behind me.
"So,Emily Bennett,we meet again."

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