Love Is Painful

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HEY GUYS!!! Finally updating this and sorry for the LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG wait.I'm changing some things around in this story so that my story fits with my characters.ENJOY

Chapter Eight

After that night,Bonnie and I had been working on strengthening our powers. It was absolutely necessary that we improved,without us the tomb couldn't be open. We practiced so much that Bonnie's nose would bleed from using too much power. As much as I tried to tell her to take a break,she wouldn't. I was guessing that it was a pride thing,which was really annoying to me. She assumed that because I was Emily's doppelganger,that I felt like I was better than her. I didn't ask for anything to be given to me by my ancestors and for her to act in such a way,was hurtful. She ended up screwing with Grams' head and getting her agree to do the spell with us. I protested,but eventually had to give up,it was a fight that I couldn't win. Grams said that witches were made to help people,but I felt like this was going too far.

Damon seemed to be pretty excited about us opening the tomb. He didn't believe that Katherine was still in the tomb and was planning to take her back into Mystic Falls. Even though,he said that he wasn't still in love with her,we all believed that he was. That being said,he didn't act like it. Everyday it seemed like he had a new girlfriend or should I say "toy".All he did was sleep with them and then drink their blood,after he was done he would compel them so they would remember nothing. I couldn't help but think that if we ended up being together,would he use me just like that.

I sat in the living room with everyone else,except Damon. He was upstairs playing with his new toy. I couldn't concentrate on anything Bonnie was telling me,I was just focused on how bad it hurt,seeing Damon with another girl.

"Are you okay,Dally?"Caroline asked.

I looked up,shocked. I couldn't get words to form,so I nodded.

Within minutes,Damon and Kaitlin came downstairs. She smiled sweetly at me,I guess,sensing my discomfort.

Her name was Kaitlin Diana Hewitt. She became a vampire around the same time that Damon and Stefan did. Anna's mom,Pearl,told her about the council hunting vampires,so she left. Sadly,making it out before they did. I guess,she decided to come back and ran into Damon. I could tell that she was sweet,but had a wild side. Just by the way that she looked at him,I could tell that she had genuine feelings for him. It made me feel bad for her because I knew that he was just playing with her emotions. In a way,I was jealous. She had him,the guy that I was falling for. She could express the way she felt openly and not have a problem.

"Bye,guys. Nice seeing you."Kaitlin said,walking out of the front door.

Everyone waved and said their goodbyes,while I was just stuck in a daze. I had never felt that way before,it was overwhelming.

"I need some air."I said,walking out of the back door.

After a few minutes,I noticed Caroline walk up behind me.

"I know,Dally."She said.

"What?"I asked,confused.

She sighed."That you're falling for Damon. The way you look at him is a tell."

I frowned."I don't know why-"she cut me off.

"The heart wants,what the heart wants. Just please,please,please,be careful. Damon once compelled and used me once. I couldn't stand to see it happen to you."

I nodded."Thanks for understanding,Caroline."

"But let's get one thing are going to open that tomb tonight with no thoughts of Damon on your mind. He's just a distraction,okay?"She snapped,pushing me back into the house.

Caroline was right. I couldn't let Damon distract me from doing something important. I needed to let go of it tonight.

When I sat down,I got a text from an unknown number.

You seem a little tense,kid. Give me a call when you're ready to have some real fun.

-Kaitlin xoxo

I smiled slightly. She really didn't understand the kind of pressure I was under,there was no time for fun!

"Let's do this,guys."Stefan said,as we all got in the car.

The time had come for us to open the tomb. I was scared,but I had to erase Damon from my thoughts,completely.

***Unknown POV***

Mystic Falls. It's good to be back. This time,I will get what I want. I'll fight anyone that gets in my way. Nothing and no one will come between me and him. Maybe I'll just keep quiet for a while,so I know which ones to eliminate...

((Horsewoman1511 is Kaitlin.The unknown character shall be revealed soon,but they know who they are.))

I Wouldn't Mind (Damon Salvatore){Under Construction}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora