Chapter Two

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Chapter Two



Reiea Theroi del Carina Alison Windmoore, the crown princess of Alysia, ran her silver brush through her long cinnamon locks, each tooth expertly layering her hair over her head and shoulders. Looking into the large gold trimmed mirror she examined her pale thin face with curiosity. Her mother kept telling her that she looked more like her father than she did her, but Reiea couldn't see it. She had never met her father as he had died from sickness before she was born.

Reiea was alone in her large marble floored room and she knew she could have had one of the many maids comb her hair for her, but tonight she felt like doing it on her own. She had even sneaked away from her personal maid after her bath just so she could be alone. It was so hard to find some time to just be alone with your thoughts when you had an entire palace of people fawning over you at every hour of the day.

Today had been yet another boring day for her and she sighed in exasperation at the thought of having to go through all of that the next day as well. The worst part of her day had to have been watching her mother host the Council of Lords for an emergency meeting regarding the influx of petty theft in the Eternal City. Could it get any more dull than that? She sure hoped not. She just wanted a little excitement for once. Something to get her heart pounding.

So what if she was the Crown Princess?! So what if she was only sixteen years old and wasn't allowed to leave the palace walls unless she was protected by at least thirty armed guards at all times? Then again, leaving the palace was always more excitement than she really wanted. Being stuck in those narrows streets of one of the large outdoor markets was like being in hell for her, and she often ran back to the safety of the palace only minutes after having arrived there.

It wasn't really her fault though. Actually the blame belonged to two different groups; the band of thugs that kidnapped and ransomed her when she was only six, and her mother. The band of criminals because they treated her so badly that she was afraid to be within a foot of a man; and her mother because she always coddled her and tried to shelter her since that incident.

Oh, who was she fooling! It wasn't right to blame her mother for that; she was just trying to be protective of her only child. Reiea knew that. But sometimes she just got so frustrated! Once she turned eighteen and took the magical aptitude test to find out her element she would finally have a little fun in her life. Sure, she wouldn't be allowed to attend the Academy for Magic, but she would at least get a private tutor that would teach her all the things she wanted to know.  At least that was worth something.

Finished with combing her hair, Reiea placed the priceless comb down on her bureau gently and turned away from her bored looking reflection. It wouldn't be long before Agatha tracked her down and came to make sure she had gotten into bed and was ready to sleep. It still baffled Reiea that a teenage princess would be forced to go to bed at a certain time every night. If she couldn't even choose her own bedtime then what was the point in being a princess and having all that power?

Deciding to get into bed and at the very least pretend she was asleep before Agatha came and gave her a lecture, Reiea quickly dressed in her fluffy and incredibly soft nightgown and crawled under the warm and heavy covers of her massive four poster bed. She drew the purple curtains across her and lay her head on her pillow, a sigh escaping from her lips as she settled in.

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