Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


Richard's mind was beginning to go blank, shutting down from the lack of oxygen as he was trapped inside the center of a block of ice that Disciple had put him in. His lungs burned, every inch of his body was quickly dropping in temperature, and his vision was turning black around the edges. All he wanted to do in that moment was thrash around and stop whatever it was that was happening to him, but all of his movement was completely restricted and he could do nothing more than scream internally in panic and pain.

This was by far the most frightening and painful thing that had ever happened to him. It looked like there wasn't a single thing he could do to get out of his problem, and that only made him freak out even more, and he was quickly running out of time. It wouldn't be long before he passed out, and then that would be the end for him. He would never see again. He would never feel, speak, think, and never do a million other things that he had yet to do, or loved to do. There would be nothing after he blacked out.

He couldn't believe this was where it was all going to end for him. His life had just started to get better too! But it was all over, and he was too weak and too stupid to do anything to protect himself. All of the duels he had been in, all of the fights he had won had done nothing to teach him how to fight! Even with the amount of power he could feel flowing through his body, and the advantage that he had in not having to use incantations to cast a spell, he was still only a novice who was trying to fight above his weight.

Disciple had proven that very thing to him, and her lesson was going to be the only one she would ever give.

Suddenly Richard's lungs felt like they were going to explode, and now the screaming in his mind became a blood curdling yell of rage and fear. This was it. His life only had a few seconds left in it, and he was forced to stare out through the block of ice at the woman who would be his killer. She was smiling at him, like she was interested in watching his final moments and etching them into her mind so she could forever remember it. She was a disgusting excuse for a human being, and Richard feared that once she was done with him that she would just disappear into the night and get away with the lives she had taken that day.

That's when the rage came. An anger so pure and powerful that it overwhelmed his fear of death and erased everything else from his mind. And with that anger came power. An intense pain shot through the back of Richard's neck, and with it power flooded through his body like an ancient and deep river. It coursed, bubbled, and seethed into every inch of his body and Richard was filled with a new warmth that spread throughout him. Most of this new heat gathered in his bracer, and it began to burn against his wrist as the ice around his hand and arm began to melt from it.

Richard refused to let this bitch get away with everything she had done. Her trail of terror and death ended there, and he wanted to be the one to stop her! He wanted to be the one who made her pay for killing the Queen, and for hurting and almost killing Aura. Now, to him, she was no longer a person. She was nothing but a dangerous animal that needed to be put down!

The power surging in his body grew stronger now, and an intense white light radiated from his bracer and began to melt more and more ice. Small cracks also began to appear on the surface now, and as his rage built in tandem with the power inside his body those cracks grew larger and larger. In a matter of seconds the entire thing shattered with a massive crack, and chunks of already melting ice fell around Richard as he fell to his knees and gasped for breath.

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