Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Chaos at the Academy

Richard's first week as a personal attendant to Lythia had crawled by at an excruciating pace. He was worked to the bone by Lythia and he was honestly getting sick of her. Just the other day he had been forced to wash her undergarments by hand four times, because she wasn't satisfied with the job he was doing. As far as he was concerned Lythia could wash her own damn panties. There was only so much you could force someone to do, and it didn't help that she was annoyed just by his very presence. Which was good in one sense; they were hardly around each other.

Not being around each other very much changed when the first weekend of the school year came, and Richard found that she was a pretty lazy person. While most of her classmates ventured to the capital city for some shopping, or buried themselves in the library and poured through magical tomes, Lythia preferred to lounge around on her bed in her room all day and boss him around. It was so bad that she even had him turning the pages on her romance novel that was bound in leather. Richard couldn't believe that she was related to the upstanding Professor that was her eldest sister, or the idol of the school that was Coni. They were completely different from her.

The hours he was working weren't that great either. He worked for fourteen hours, from six in the morning until nine at night; and it was really starting to weigh on him. He woke up every morning with thick bags under his eyes and sore muscles, only to be forced to do it all over again. It also didn't help that his first task of the day was to go to Lythia's room and wake her up. Then he would head down to the kitchens, grab her breakfast and then bring it up to her because she preferred not to eat in the dining hall with the other students. By the time he got back up to her room, Lythia would have fallen asleep and he would be forced to shake her awake once more, all the while getting cursed at in half mumbles and having to dodge pillows and tiny fists. And for such a slight girl, she could really hit hard and Richard was glad that he didn't bruise easily.

Thankfully Lythia hated being woken up before noon on the weekends, so that gave Richard ample time to get his own breakfast, clean up his own room—which was nothing more than a large closet with a bed and trunk to put his clothes in—and then do some of her laundry before finally having to go and rouse her. He really wished she didn't have any morning classes so he could do it this way all the time, but he learned that the school was split into two different levels. Morning classes were dedicated to scholastic topics such as math, history, physical education, and languages, while the afternoon classes were all about magic and were on a different system than the other courses. How old you were and what year you were in had nothing to do with the magic classes you took. You could be a first year and be in the advanced magic courses, or be a fourth year and still be stuck in the novice magic class. It all depended on your score from your magical aptitude test given with the entrance exam and where you stood within the school rankings in power and strength.

Sunday afternoon, after taking care of his own things and getting Lythia's lunch, he made his way to her room and knocked loudly and announced that he was entering. He expected to see her still asleep in her large and comfortable looking bed, the covers thrown off her small body and her long blonde hair everywhere with some drool on her lips, like she usually was right before he woke her up, but instead found that she was already awake and dressed. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, a large leather tome open on her lap and reading out loud to a small black haired girl who sat on the floor in front of her.

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