Chapter Nine

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Note: I'd just like to take a moment to thank you all for reading and continuing to vote on this story. You all really brought this back from the dead. However, before you continue, I would like to ask that you refrain from posting spoilers in the comments section. I love reading all your comments and see what you think of the story, or where you think it might go, but please keep in mind that not everyone reading it on this site has read the original.

Now, just asking for you to stop posting spoilers probably won't work; so I would like to ask that, if you do talk about them, that you first preface it with something like *SPOILER*. Just so people who don't want it spoiled can ignore it and move on.

Thank you once again, and don't forget to vote.

Chapter Nine

Sons and Daughters

Richard was woken up bright and early the morning after the duel, and getting out of bed proved to be a challenge as his muscles still ached from what had happened the night before. Opening the door he found Aura standing on the other side, bundled up in a thick and elegant looking black cloak and her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail.

“Good morning,” she smiled and took a step in his room after he moved away from the door. “how are you feeling this today?”

“A little better; but not by much,” he answered through a yawn and pulled on a shirt. “What's up?”

“We're going into town for the day. Since our secret is out we might as well get you in some nicer clothes, and we'll also need to get you a school uniform. No son of mine will attend his first class dressed as a staff member. So hurry up and get changed and meet us out at the front gate.”

Richard didn't get the chance to ask what Aura meant by 'us', as she quickly excused herself from his room and left him alone to get ready. He tossed on a pair of clean slacks and changed his shirt quickly before running to the designated meeting spot, curious to who else was waiting there for him with Aura. For a brief moment he thought that maybe the Princess was imposing herself on the shopping trip, but he then realized how stupid of a thought that was; there would be no way she would be allowed to go into the city without a large contingent of guards and soldiers surrounding her at all times. That was even if she could stand being around so many men for any extended period of time.

Coming out of the main tower he found Aura standing next to an ornate carriage, her cloak billowing in a stiff wind and holding the door open. He couldn't see anyone else there waiting with her, but as he climbed into the carriage he almost froze as he saw Lythia sitting in it, a small and light bruise on her cheek from when he had stuck her. She ignored his entrance and instead looked out the window next to her; so he quickly sat down across from her while Aura climbed in and took the seat right next to her sister.

The carriage started moving a few moments later and soon they were traveling through the open fields and snow covered plains that surrounded the school and well on their way to the Eternal City. For most of the journey they rode in silence, preferring to each look out the window and admire the natural beauty, but it wouldn't last for long as Lythia suddenly shifted her gaze towards him and cleared her throat loudly.

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