Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Beauty and the Beast

“You must be kidding,” had been the response from the girl known as Lythia. “This... mongrel, is going to be my attendant?”

Just like Aura had said, they had managed to track her down just after her class ended, and just like she had also said, this girl was going to be a handful. Richard had only been near her for less than a minute and already he was starting to dislike her. They way she looked at him, the way she spoke about him, and the air of superiority she held grated on every nerve in his body. She was the perfect snotty little brat who thought she was better than everyone else.

It didn't even matter that she was good looking, as her attitude crushed that in a second. Her face looked a lot like her older sisters in that she had the same small and cute nose and big bright eyes, and even her hair was a silky golden blonde that shimmered in the light of the many torches and the sun from the windows. Yet that's where the similarities ended. Unlike Aura and Coni, this girl was short and had a very child like body. There was barely a hint of curves and her shirt hung off her like a drape, rather than being filled out. She was even shorter than Richard was, and she reminded him of a middle school girl. Yet he had been informed that she was actually a year older than he was, which seemed strange given her appearance.

“For the third time, Lythia, Richard will be your attendant from this moment on. Is there a problem?” Aura asked with a slightly cold tone. Since she was technically a teacher at this strange school, Richard figured that this was the tone she used when dealing with students who caused trouble. He was also sure that it usually worked on them as well. Against Lythia it seemed to have no effect though.

“Yes there is a problem!” the short girl stomped her foot on the ground and yelled back in anger. “I said I would choose my own attendant! Yet you keep bringing imbeciles to me! And now you bring me this... this... this beast! Do you want me to be the laughing stock of the academy?!”

A group of other students gathered around them as Lythia yelled loudly. Looking around, Richard found that most of the eyes were actually on him. Even worse was that most of the eyes belonged to women. In fact, now that he thought about it, he didn't really remember seeing a single male up until this point. There were a few male faces in the growing crowd, but they were far out numbered by the females. It was really confusing and a little scary, but he really didn't have time to worry about it now. The argument that had gathered all these eyes to him was getting even more heated now.

“Lythia, you were allowed three months to find your own attendant, yet you never did! You never even gave the ones that were recommended to you a second glance! It has become not only a burden on myself, but for the Queen as well! Now Richard here has been chosen to be your attendant by Queen Lystia and I am inclined to agree with her judgement, so I don't want to hear another word on the subject! Do you understand?”

“But—” Lythia tried to argue but Aura glowered at her and the words died on the girl's tongue.

“But nothing! Not only are you a second year student at this academy, you are also the niece of the Queen and should behave as such! Or do you wish to complain directly to Queen Lystia herself?”

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