The Fight (Finally!!)

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Ryuko woke up and got dressed wearing Senketsu, she walked with Mako to Honnouji Academy where she would fight Takaharu Fukuroda, the boxing Club president. They arrived at Honnouji Academy, "I'm hungry!!" Said Mako, and Ryuko threw her lunch that Makos mom had made in her direction, "Thanks Ryuko-Chan." Said a satisfied Mako. While Mako ate, Ryuko waited, and saw an impatient Satsuki waiting, "Finally your here, I was thinking you were a chicken, " Said Satsuki, "but you are a brave person Matoi, I applaud you on that.".
Suddenly Takaharu Fukuroda appeared and so did a boxing ring, as if by coincidence.
"You showed up, Transfer Student, let's fight!!"

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