Takaharu gets demoted to a No Star

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~The Next Day~
Takaharu entered Lady Satsuki's office reluctantly. He knew what would happen.

~Lady Satsukis P.O.V ~
Finally, he's here, I thought.

"I assume you know why your here, Takaharu." I said

"Yes, Lady Satsuki, with all do respect,  I know, I didn't defeat the transfer student," Takaharu gave me a bag, "here's my 2 star Goku uniform, Lady Satsuki." He handed me the uniform.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be this compliant and chill, you can leave now." I said

Takaharu bowed one last time, and left Lady Satsukis office,"I'm sorry, Lady Satsuki." He said without saying anything else.

"Gamagoori, please give this to Shiro so he can use it." I ordered.

"Yes, Lady Satsuki" Said Gamagoori, he bowed and left.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll update soon, I wanted to write what happened after Takaharu lost to Ryuko, bye!!

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