4: Self Inflicted

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Liam's POV
I sat up as my work phone went off. I unlocked it, looking at my messages. From Scarlett, "Help..." What the hell? To Scarlett, "Where are you? What's wrong?" I waited and waited for a response but after five minutes and still nothing, I threw my jacket on and slid on my shoes. Four in the morning, she had to be at home, in her flat. I was probably speeding the whole way there, I don't know why. I guess I was worried. I was worried. I pulled into the lot of her flat building and took the lift up to her level. She had the whole top floor of the building to herself, which was a huge living space for one person.

I hit the buzzer beside her door and waited all of two minutes before I started pounding on the door. "Fuck..." I said under my breath. I reached into my pocket, pulling out my work phone, first opening the tracking app. Her phone was definitely in her flat. Then I opened my notes, which had the code to the lock for her flat. I quickly entered the code and heard the door unlatch. I pulled the door open and rushed inside. The place was huge. It had a beautiful view of London. It was even more beautiful at night when all the lights were up outside. I dashed up the stairs to her bedroom. I'd only been her flat twice since taking the job, but I could remember where everything was.

She wasn't in her bedroom, but I could hear the water running in her bathroom. I beat on the bathroom door. "Scarlett? I got your text. Are you alright?" I asked through the door. I got no response. I could hear soft whimpering from inside the bathroom. "Scarlett? I'm really worried about you. If you can hear me, I'm coming in." I warned. I had expected the door to be locked but it wasn't. The bathroom itself was massive. I found Scarlett curled up in her bathtub, water running around her feet and her knees pulled up to her chest. She was in her panties and nothing else. As I moved closer to her, I could see the deep red tint of the water, continuously circling the drain at her feet.

"Holy fuck....Scarlett." I exclaimed. She was quivering. Goosebumps were covering her body. I knelt down beside the tub, trying to find the source of her bleeding. Her upper body was stained with dried blood and tears. I reached over and slowly pushed her hair behind her ear and that's when I saw it. Her wrists were slit and the bloody razor blade was at her feet. "Jesus Christ...Scarlett. Why would you do that?" I asked, in horror. She didn't move. Her whole body was shaking violently. "C'mere." I said as I stood up, wrapping both arms around her, lifting her out of the tub. I set her down on the counter.

Blood oozed from her wrists, dripping on her thighs, onto the marble counter top, and on the black tile floor. "Ok, love. Lemme see." I coaxed her. She whined as I started to pull her arms away from her blood stained chest. I looked at the self inflicted wounds. Blood continued to flow from the deep looking cuts. "Oh Jesus....ok..." I started rummaging through the drawers for something to stop the bleeding. I found a couple of hair bands in one of the drawers. I rolled two of them on each arm tightening them around the joints of her elbows. I opened the cabinets under the sink and found a first aid kit. I took out a roll of bandages, some gauze, peroxide, and medical tape.

I held her wrists over the sink and poured peroxide all over both of them, watching it bubble in the wounds as it ate away at the bacteria. I wiped up the cuts with a clean gauze and taped four fresh gauze to the deep slits. I then, wrapped both wrists up in bandages. Scarlett's head lulled to one side, eyes closed and body limp. "Scarlett? Hey, Scarlett. Stay with me sweetheart." I whispered, shaking her. "C'mon, c'mon. Look at me." I said as I shook her harder. "Fuck..." I panicked as I dialled 911 on my cell. The ambulance was at the apartment building about twenty minutes after I made the call. "How'd this happen?" One of the EMT's asked me, as they loaded Scarlett up into the back of the ambulance.

"I already explained to the dispatcher, she texted me at four AM, I came here to find her in the upstairs bathroom, in the tub with her wrists slit and a razor blade at her feet. I did what I could to make the bleeding stop and dress the wounds and when I finished, she passed out and I called 911." I said. "Has she ever done anything like this before?" He asked. "I don't know." I replied. "Are you her boyfriend?" He questioned. "No, I'm not. I'm her bodyguard. Her father hired me." I answered. "I see. Any particular reason she'd contact you for help?" He asked.

"She probably couldn't get ahold of anyone else." I shrugged. He nodded. I wanted to ride with her in the ambulance to the hospital but I knew I couldn't. So, I called Simon and explained what happened and he was in a rush to the hospital. I was too after calling. I sat in her hospital room for hours after they had put in her stitches. The officer who was on duty at the hospital asked me a few more questions. "The doctor found a few burns on her breasts and chest. They look fresh. As if they just happened a few hours prior. Know anything about them?" He asked. "Burns? No. I never saw anything resembling a burn." I replied, confused. "They're extremely prominent. How could you never have seen them?" He questioned.

"Her whole upper body was stained with her own blood when I found her. I couldn't see anything. She had been covering her chest with her arms the whole time and the blood had oozed out of her gashes all over her." I argued. The policeman nodded.

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