37: Comfort

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Liam's POV
Scarlett had been back in school for a few weeks now and it had become quite an adjustment for me. To be completely honest I wasn't entirely sure what to do with myself until she got out of school for the day. It was so strange to not have to take her from place to place or to be able to sit with her in the midmorning and watch something on tv. I'd been spending the time at my own place because it seemed odd to stay at Scarlett's when she wouldn't be home for hours. We spent most of our time at her place anyway. I'm not sure why. It just always seemed to work out that going to her place was simpler.

I liked her place quite well regardless. Sitting in the living room was pretty nice because of the view you had of the city from the large glass windows that made up one of the walls. In my opinion she really didn't need as much space as she had, because she was only one person living there before we'd met. Even when she was with Dalton she said they never lived together and he rarely stayed overnight because they never had sex. The kitchen was small. More like a hallway with appliances and cabinets on both walls and a dining table with seating for three at the end of the room opposite the doorway. Basically the kitchen was really disproportionate to the rest of the space.

The living room area was unnecessarily huge and open, aside from the little half bathroom. On the wall opposite the doorway that led up stairs was her flatscreen television. A few feet in front of the television was a huge black leather sectional couch that was kind of block-like "U" shape and one end was made like a chasè lounge. That was her favorite spot on the couch. Plus being long enough and wide enough for the both of us to lay there had it's advantages. My phone chimed in my jacket pocket. I sat up from the couch in my living room and slid my phone out of my pocket. I had a text from Scarlett. I unlocked my phone and opened our conversation.

The message read, "Can you come get me?" I was a little surprised by the request. She wasn't due to be dismissed from school for a few more hours. "Is everything okay?" I texted back. Within a minute she had responded, "I'm in so much pain right now babe." Even more confused than before I replied, "What's the matter?" She replied almost instantly again, "It's a female issue." I sighed realizing what she meant and knew I had to go get her. Her cycle always caused her excruciating pain between cramps and back pain. Occasionally it even gave her migraines. "I'll be right there, baby girl." I responded as I got up from the couch, turned off the tv and went to the door picking up my keys and slipping into my shoes.

I went out to the car, started it up and backed down the driveway, heading down the street. I started toward the school but took a detour as I thought of something. Pulling into the lot of a nearby pharmacy, I found a spot and parked, getting out and heading inside. I warned around kind of aimlessly until the feminine care isle caught my attention. I looked over all the different products stocked among the shelves but stopped when I found the ones Scarlett used. I'd never had to buy them for her myself but I'd seen the box in her bathroom many times and had read over the label at least once out of curiosity.

I knew to buy pads and not tampons. I had asked once why she used pads and not tampons and she had said tampons had always been really uncomfortable for her. She'd tried them when she was just starting to have periods and she got so tender from using them that she eventually just switched to pads. I picked up a box and tucked it up under my arm as I continued down the isle. At the end were things like over the counter pain relievers. I settled on a bottle of pills specifically for menstrual pain relief and tucked it under my arm with the box of pads.

I walked through the store some more until I saw the row of freezers and or refrigerators in the back. In the freezer I saw little pint sized containers of ice cream in a variety of flavors. I opened the freezer and picked out a couple pints of ice cream before I headed back toward the front of store to check out. I sat the items down on the counter and noticed the shelves below the counter stocked with all different kinds of candy. I picked out some candy bars of the chocolate variety and a little box of jelly beans, placing those on the counter as well. The male cashier looked at me with a bit of smirk as he began scanning the items one at a time. "Must be a special girl." He commented as he bagged the stuff.

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