31: Antisocial

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Liam's POV
We were all down at the hotel pool an hour later. Simon, Gigi, Harry, Niall, Louis and I were all laying back on lounge chairs in the sun. Scarlett and a few other hotel residents were in the pool. It wasn't overly crowded, most everyone went down to the beach while staying in Miami. Zayn sat on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water, watching Scarlett lay on back, floating in the water. "Hey, Simon?" I said. "Yeah?" He responded. "Is there something I should know about Zayn and Scarlett?" I asked. "I take it you're referring to this morning." He stated. "Yeah." I nodded.

"Look, I don't trust many people around Scarlett. When she was fifteen, and became interested in making music, I asked Zayn to meet her and give her some background on what it's like to work in the industry. They hit it off straight away and have been super close ever since. If anything has gone on between the two of them, I'm sure she would have told you by now. And I'm sure Zayn would have told you or Gigi. I really wouldn't worry. They're just close friends. He's one of the only real friends she's ever had. Other than Dalton, Scarlett doesn't socialize much." He answered. "I still think that scar's hideous." Gigi said bitterly. "Hey, that's my baby you're talking about." I snapped. "And my daughter." Simon added.

"And she was all up on my boyfriend, but that has nothing to do with the fact that that scar really is repulsive. How is she going to model with everyone gawking at that humongous blemish?" She questioned. "With her head held high with the pride that she survived years of domestic abuse." Zayn commented as he walked over. Gigi sat there, mouth half open as if wanting to say something but in defeat she closed it. "How much did you hear?" She asked him. "Of what you said? Oh, all of it. Don't you dare diminish her because of what she's been through. I've known her the longest of anyone here, other than Simon. Do you have any idea how horrible I feel that I couldn't see, in the nearly three years I've known her, what the hell Dalton had been doing to her? Do not shame her because she survived. Practically on her own the entire time it went on. I told you how much I love your confidence but lately you're beginning to sound arrogant." He scolded.

Gigi looked down at her lap as she took her sunglasses off. "She should never be allowed to be all over you the way she was, no matter how close you two are. Which by the way, is there anything you wanna tell me about that? Or you know, last night when you were alone together for almost two hours?" She asked. "Oh you really wanna try to play that card right now? I asked you last night before I went to watch the movie with her, if it was okay. 'Yeah, it's cool, babe. Just come to bed when it's over.' Your exact words." He responded, folding his arms across his chest. "That didn't answer my question." She said. Zayn rolled his eyes. "You really think that little of me, that I'm A: going to cheat on you, and B: ruin a relationship between me and one of my best mates? You know me way better than that. I think Scarlett just scares you." He chuckled.

"Oh please. She's like two feet tall and couldn't hurt a thing if she tried." She scoffed. "She threatens your modeling career doesn't she? She's younger, more media oriented and she has ample talents." He said. Gigi shut up immediately and Zayn nodded. "You know, I blew off a Maybeline shoot for this. I'm gonna call my agent and have her send a plane." She huffed as she stood from her chair and collected her things. With that she walked off and Zayn sat down in her chair. "You aren't gonna chase her?" Harry asked.

"Nope. Pointless. When she's angry, she needs space and if she wants to do the shoot in New York, by all means." He sighed. Scarlett walked up dripping with chlorinated water as her little wet feet slapped against the pavement. I picked up her towel and stood with it open in my arms. She ran into my arms and I wrapped the towel and my arms around her from behind. "How's the pool my love?" I asked. "It's nice. I still hate the smell of chlorine though." She said. "You can take a nice hot bath before we head to the bar tonight." I chuckled. "And, will I be bathing alone?" She whispered in my ear.

"As much as I would love to tell you I'll be joining you, it'll have to wait until we get back." I replied, kissing her collarbone softly. "Well, that's no fun." She pouted up at me. "If you're patient, princess, it will be. No heavy drinking tonight though." I smiled. "Okay baby." She grinned up at me, standing on her toes as she pushed her lips into mine. I wrapped my arms securely around his waist, picking her up. She threw her legs around my waist and looped her arms around my neck. We spent most of the day by the pool, but around eight thirty we all went back up to the suite to get ready to go to the bar. Gigi and her things were gone by the time we got up there. Scarlett immediately went to take a shower and I shuffled through my suitcase to find something to wear. I decided after about twenty minutes of digging through my portion of the dresser, that I'd let Scarlett pick out something for me to wear. She loved picking my clothes and she was very good at making sure everything went well together.

She stepped from the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her torso, her dripping wet hair pulled back into a loose messy bun at the back of her head. She looked at me and cocked her head to one side. "Why aren't you dressed yet, love bug?" She asked. "I couldn't decide on what to wear." I said, smiling at the use of the pet name. She giggled and put her cute little pout into her lips, looking through my clothes. She tossed a pair of black dress pants and a black dress shirt down on the bed. "You look handsome in everything, but you'll look ravishing in that." She smiled as she laid out her own outfit. I took off my swim trunks and slipped boxers on.

I glanced over my shoulder at Scarlett in the vanity mirror. She had dropped her towel on the floor and was putting on her panties and bra. The bright red lace fabric clung to her moist skin perfectly and I bit my lower lip. She pulled her little black dress over her head and adjusted the bodice around the curvature of her bust. As I buttoned up the dress shirt she turned and looked at me. I turned and gave her a smile as I slid my legs into my pants. I sat on the end of the bed and admired the way the slim strapless dress fit my girlfriend's petite curvaceous frame. It was a short dress that came to her mid thigh, the bodice squeezed her breasts together creating ample cleavage.

She moved forward and crawled into my lap, her hands pressed firmly against my shoulders and our lips collided suddenly as we fell back against the luxury hotel duvet. I grabbed her waist in an instant holding her securely as our lips moved in sync. She pulled back with my lower lip caught teasingly between her teeth. As she released it, I smirked up at her giving her behind a firm smack and a lingering squeeze. She moaned and rutted her hips back and forth against mine creating friction between the two of us. "Jesus. Scarlett, baby, not yet." I moaned with her as I gripped her hips tightly, preventing her from continuing her movements. She pouted at me.

"I don't wanna wait though." She whined. "I know you don't, beautiful. I don't either, but it'll just be better to wait till we're back from the bar." I reasoned. "I know." She sighed, reluctantly. I smiled softly up at her, tucking a loose strand of her wet hair behind her ear. "You look so fucking gorgeous in this dress." I said as I leaned up and kissed her exposed cleavage. "Thanks baby. You know I only do this for you." She sighed, happily as she ran her fingers through my hair. "You don't have to try to look beautiful for me, sweetheart. I think you're beautiful no matter what." I replied. She tugged on my hair and pulled my face closer to hers, sealing our lips together passionately.

She made a happy sound against my lips and after a minute she pulled away, smiling brightly. "I love you so much, Liam." She said. "I love you too, Scarlett May." I I smiled. "Go get your hair dried and find some shoes and we'll head out, okay?" I questioned. She nodded and crawled off the bed, heading into the bathroom. As I lay on the bed, moments later I heard her hairdryer running.

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