6: Duet

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Liam's POV
"I've seen the blood drip from my veins. No one ever heard my cries of pain, and then there's you. You try everything to make it go away. It leaves me wondering why you still stay. Here. With me. Watching the room spin. I can't hold consciousness. Body runs cold. Eyes turn light, lights too bright to handle in this state of mind. Sitting. In the dark. Body numb and tingling as my veins drain out. Can you drown without water? Can you bleed without pain? Won't let anybody see me this way. So why did you get to? This is how I make my mind go blank. Making all my problems fade away. Yet you're the only one who stays.

Voice lost, body drained. Found my way to cope with pain. But no one understands. My family's not a family. My love for them's false. Parents who just hold me down is just not enough. So, I'll slice my veins open. So, I'll swallow handfuls of pills. Try to make it all just go away. Can you drown without water? Can you bleed without pain? Won't let anybody see me this way. So why did you get to? This is how I make my mind go blank. Making all my problems fade away. Yet you're the one who stays. Tell me how you feel. Tell me if it's real. Or can you even?" Scarlett took her hands away from the piano and looked at me.

"It's not finished, but what do you think?" She questioned. "Well, it's deep. It's incredible, actually." I answered. "Thanks. It's more for me than anyone else." She said. I gave her a look of confusion. "It's not going on the album." She elaborated. "Nobody needs to know that I've gone through...well, this." She said, holding up her bandaged wrists. "C'mere. We better change your gauze." I noted as I saw the blood seeping through the old ones. She stood from the piano bench and made her way over to the sofa where I was seated. I took out the clean gauze from her bag and slowly removed the dirty gauze from her stitched wrists. She hissed slightly as I moved a bit too quickly. "Sorry. Sorry." I apologized immediately.

I took an alcohol pad to her stitches to clean them, she whined the entire time I was dabbing her healing flesh. I taped down the fresh gauze over the cleaned area and wrapped both wrists up in clean bandages. "There. All finished." I smiled. She nodded, "Thanks." The buzzer went off and Scarlett got up to answer it. "Scar. It's me." A familiar voice spoke through the speaker. I hadn't heard it in a while but I knew exactly who it was. "C'mon up, love." She smiled. Minutes later he walked through the door and Scarlett's face seemed to light up. "My God, it's been a long time. You've grown up." Zayn smiled as he embraced her warmly. "Shut up, Malik." She laughed.

"Who the hell told you that you could grow double D's?" He joked. "Oh haha. Blame my mother." She said as they pulled away. He turned and saw me, suddenly smiling more sadly and in slight shock. "Liam, mate, I didn't know you knew Scar. It's great to see you." Zayn smiled as I stood, hugging him. "You too mate. You look well." I said. Scarlett looked at me, "Should I have warned you?" She asked. "No, no. This is great actually. But, why is he here?" I questioned. Zayn chuckled. "We've got a collaboration to do." She replied. "Let's get it." He said.

Zayn: "Oh when I, on the same place
Show me in the same light
Feels right, when we take flight
Clothes off 'cause she's so soft
This ain't a fair fight, yeah
I wanna shed light
On this subject
I'll get her wetter than ever
Four letters is never the question
She likes when I'm messy
And I like when she's undressing

You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Don't think because you're with me this is real
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Don't stop what you're doing 'cause I like that too."

"Here with you 'cause you got the right vibe
Seems like you probably gotta do mine
But it's gotta be the right time
We're only good for the night time
I see through your demeanor
Baby, I'm a pleaser
I go out my way to treat you
But I can't be a teacher
'Cause I'm a problem with problems
I know who I am and I'm not no good
You can have me tonight or never
I thought you understood
Baby, some people are meant to be loved and others just make it
So take what I'm willing to give and love it or hate it."

Zayn & Scarlett:
"You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Don't think because you're with me this is real
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Don't stop what you're doing 'cause I like that too."

Zayn & Scarlett: "I don't, I don't really know
I don't, I don't really care
Maybe keep it on the low
With stories I don't wanna share
(don't stop)."

Zayn & Scarlett X2: "You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Don't think because you're with me this is real
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Don't stop what you're doing 'cause I like that too." They came out of the recording booth, playing back the track, both of them smiling. "It's perfect." Scarlett said.

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