Time Travel

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Most people believe Time Travel to be a myth, but I believe otherwise.

  You need knowledge to figure most things out. Honestly, knowledge and evidence is the gateway to any known problem.

  This theory is a little different compared to others.

  So it goes like this—at some point in the future we will have discovered time travel. Say someone tried this time travel machine out and they end up going back into the past.

  They change a few things, but once they return there has been no impact to their life or anyone else's in that same timeline either.

  I find it highly impossible to travel on your own timeline. Because you can't change what has already happened.

  But, you can change what hasn't happened yet.

  Meaning that when you time travel you go to the past of a parallel universe that you have just created.

  So, if you go into the past or the future or wherever it may be, you end up creating a new universe and that you change things there.

  For example, if somebody were to travel to the past as to where Christopher Columbus discovered America and that person made it so that he never discovered the land, nothing will have happened to your timeline.

  So, when you go back to present day aka your timeline, nothing there ever changes.

  This is because you cannot change what has happened. So, you create an entirely new world when you make a decision or change something.

  You have just created about five new parallel universes by just reading these words. Because every decision that you have to make or the choices that you come across create a whole new universe. So, you are creating new universes every time you choose to do something.

this is my theory! please do not steal or copy!

Conspiracy TheoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora