The Bermuda Triangle 1/2

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The Bermuda Triangle and what it really means.

  The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Western part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is famous for "mysterious activity." These activities would include the disappearance of planes flying over, ships that sail through, and many other disappearances.

  A civilian plane had once been coming towards Florida, the pilot informed the airport that they would be making the landing soon, all while flying above the Bermuda Triangle. But, they never arrived. 2 days later, the airport had received the same call from the same man saying the exact same words.

He was found on the radar. But, once again, after flying over the Bermuda Triangle, he disappeared on the radar once again. They haven't received another call since.

The triangle is known to manipulate technology and electrical activity. There have been several sightings of washed up ships and planes that have disappeared. But, no bodies found.

[Washed up plane pieces]

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[Washed up plane pieces]

[The edge of a previously missing boat captured near an island on the Pacific Ocean]

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[The edge of a previously missing boat captured near an island on the Pacific Ocean]

  There are many stories that contribute to the idea that is the Devil's Sea. But, the Bermuda Triangle has been a mystery for the longest time. "In fact, its first written account is in the journal of the famous sea-explorer, Christopher Columbus in the 15th century. He mentioned in his journal that his compass went berserk once they touched an unseen boundary between Florida and Puerto Rico." (

  "Another story worth telling is that on the fateful day of December 5, 1872, Marie Celeste set sail from New York Harbor to carry cargo to a specified destination..."


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  "...But unfortunately, the ship never made it to the point. After several search and rescue efforts, the ship was found adrift in Bermuda Triangle, but not its crew of 11 people. Personal belongings, food containers, precious cargo, and lifeboats were still there on the ship. What's more speculative is that there was rotten food on the plates in the dining area. What happened to these people to make them abandon their safe haven, in the middle of the violent sea, that too right in the middle of a meal?" (

  Some say that this [Bermuda Triangle] is where Amelia Earhart disappeared—The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. But, in July of 1937, Amelia and her navigator (Fred Noonan) mysteriously disappeared.

 Neither the plane or the two of them were ever found

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Neither the plane or the two of them were ever found. This became one of the biggest mysteries in the 20th century. More will be discovered in what the Bermuda Triangle is and what it's purpose really is. (Continued)

credit to @ dracarrysbby on twitter for images and conspiracy.

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posting some new 2 to 3 part theories, alongside some new unsolved cases. thanks so much for #1 in #conspiracy !!

ily all x

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