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Some time had passed since you had hurt your other arm. That, unfortunately, was not the only injury you had when Rocma showed up at Idate's home. You had broken your leg at some point in the fight. So, you had to stay at Yukisada's house for a while. Much to Yukisada's reluctance, Idate often came to see you. He promised to keep you company when Yukisada was out. The fact that the Orca smoked so much wasn't exactly helpful, since the smell made you quite sick.
Idate was a little protective of you, though, which rubbed some people the wrong way. Many people were complaining about him being in town,  even though he hadn't hurt anyone.
As soon as you were able to get out of bed, Idate continued to be a playful bastard to you.
The both of you were down by the orca danger zone. It was colder there. The breeze blew as the orca stuck his feet in the water. He placed a hand over your back.
"Hey, Y/N, do you know how to swim?"
"Y-Yeah, wh- Ahh!"
He pushed you into the cold arctic water. You had to doggy paddle to keep yourself afloat. When you said that you knew how to swim, you didn't mean you were good at it. Idate let out a hearty laugh, taking obvious pleasure in your struggling.
"Look at you go, dog!"
"Shut up and get me out of here!"
"Aww, you're no fun..."
He pouted and put a hand into the water to help you out.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me a dog?"
"As many times as you'd like, I don't listen, though."
You marched off towards the village to dry yourself off. Idate didn't follow, as he knew you'd eventually come back.

~Cold~ Idate x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें