Troubled Twins

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I paced back in forth in front of the spot where Jace was. It's been almost three hours since he's left, the longest he's ever left me for since we merged. He's basically my brother. Even more descriptive, I feel like he's my twin. We should be parabati rather than that little Shadowhunter, Alec.

God I'm so worried about him. I run my fingers through my hair as I continue pacing. Where could he be? Clary's been no help. After Jace saw me kissing her, and her making no attempt to stop it, she ran off crying again. I know she's strong, but her time around me has made her weak. Not off to a good start with the whole decide if I deserve to be good or not thing.

I slam my fist into the wall. I'm not sure if it's from frustration or anxiety, but either one shows that I'm going mad. There's also the problem that Jace shouldn't be out because every Shadowhunter is currently looking for us and I haven't changed locations yet today.

More stress. I clamp my fingers around the arm of a chair and sit down in it. He needs to come back so that I can explain. I miss him and I'm worried about him and I don't plan on taking Clary from him. We all have each other and that's all we need...

My head snaps up from it's slumped over position. I hear Clary yelp in the other room and run in. Jace is in there, arced over her, his clothes still on luckily. His back is facing me and he's moaning to Clary "Clary- I need to know that you still love me. You do love me right?" She nods her head with her eyes wide. "Then show me! Prove it to me Clary!"

Clary pushes him off of her and sits up. She whispers to him, "Jace... You're not you right now. I still do love you, but I'm not sure what's going on with Sebastian eithe-" Jace sits up and catches eyes with me.

I can almost see as everything finally clicks in Jace's big head and he yelps, "How could you do that to me? I thought you cared about me! Sebastian, you're basically my brother... how?" His voice goes from being full of answers to a whisper with his voice croaking.

I walk over to him and grab him in a hug. He does nothing so I look him in the eye and tell him, "Jace, we're all Morgenstern's, blood related or not. I love both of you in a way that I can't explain. I tried to tell you right when we got Clary but I didn't know how to say it." Jace continues to stare at me so I just sigh.

His eyes flash with his dull head finally comprehending what I said. He wraps his arms around Clary and his other around me. "God Seb... I'm not sure what to say to that." He says laughing. He gives Clary a sweet kiss on the forehead and messes up my hair.

I guess that it's him touching my scalp or whatever, but his hair get's messed up in the same way as mine. Clary and I start to laugh, but he just sits there, dumbfounded. This makes us laugh harder.

I hope that we can stay like this until the end of next week. If this is what it feels like to be good, I wouldn't want to change it.

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