Stress embraced!

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Aka A) I am a teenager.

So I am bound to be constantly in stress but how do I, manage to get out of strees?
How to deal with it?

There is no such thing as stress management.

You don't have to manage stress You have to accept it.
you have to let it sink in.

Stress makes us think a lot more than our capabilities.
It should be embraced.
but you should keep in under some rules .

A) It does not rule over your life.
B) Start smiling at things and not people.

Like some thing you saw. reminded you of something happy and worth smiling at.
like the cloudy sky.
like dew drops on leaves.
like a stranger with weird hair.
Smile at him and make him wonder who you are, that way you could keep his stress out for the day , as he would be busy figuring out who was the random guy or girl who creepy smiled at me today.
C) Don't push away human company.
You are after all a living breathing and eating human being.
You need to talk to your kind, about things.
Anything you like, a movie, a book, a guy. a girl, a heart break. If you do not want to talk about feelings, you could always have company turn on a 90's movie and watch how fun life was when they had no internet and be happy about it.
D) Try to conjure up a fake laugh.
Find the lamest joke of the century and Try to read it twice and fake a laugh.
and Try again and again.
It will help you with actually doing it when you find a good crazy ass joke of the century.

E) Pick up a page a random paper that no one will ever care about.
Pick that up and write down whatever is bothering you.
write it all down.
let it bring you to tears and let that shit piece of paper get all wet and the writing smug in.
Trow that wet piece of shit on the ground stamp pead on it, pick it up, trow it in the dustbin.
Just like the paper congratulations your sorrows will go away for a while and if that shit tries to comeback just stamp pead on it again.
That's my bwoy!
F) Start a daily journal where you can write about the things that you got through today.
And how proud you are that you had the courage and were kind to yourself.
G) Don't self harm yourself.
never do that, because look me in the eye and listen to me, I know the options are very tempting.
You know most people self harm to get noticed and be sympathized by some pathetic loser.
Yeah you think the person is not a loser, but he really is, he is a jerk that left a gem like you.
A complete idiot.
So suck it up.
Can you be a little selfish for a Month, because you have been treating yourself like shit.
Now you feel like shit, but you still are a chocolate pudding don't let anyone prove me wrong.
Be a little bit for yourself.
If you take that blade and try to Pierce it through your wrist, do you know what will follow?
A gush of blood, it will look like hot springs.
And Its not a pleasant sight to watch.
You would do anything to get out of that suffering than. Live.
because dying or self harming is no longer an option.
because It won't stop the pain.
It will give you distraction to look at and the real thing will subside for a little while.

but that is not permanent.
It will come back harder than before.
We could do it together.
I could help you out of it.
In a week or a month, I promise the suffering will end.
And hope will be born.

Maybe tomorrow is the day when you meet your prince charming and you could meet the girl of your dreams.
That would be wonderful.
wouldn't it be?
What if you find out that the job you could not get earlier, sent the wrong letter at your door.

what if the guy who harmed you yesterday is punished?
and you are not there to watch it and have your sweet little revenge that destiny planned.

What if the storm ends tonight and tomorrow will be sunshine?

What and if two words as harmless as words can be, but when we put them together, they have the power to haunt you forever.
Even in afterlife.
Do not harm yourself.
It's you, Your parents love you, your friends love you, your neighbors love you, your dog loves you, and If you don't have any of the above.
I love you and I value your life, above mine.
I will not give up on you.
So kick that thought out of your mind.
flush that blade down and hide those pills.
Take a bath clean yourself up and remember to breath.
also that even If no one does.
I do love you and I will do that forever and ever.

How did I jump from stress to self harm cause thats what too much management of stress leads too...
so Don't manage your stress embrace it.

As always I will tell you about something that you should try at least once in life.
This one is also for stress embracement.

Get to the door lock yourself up.
pick up your phone or turn on the radio.
Raise the volume to the peak.
Close the curtains and make space.
Remember to play your favorite party tracks.
Dance like no one is watching because you know what?
No one is watching.
Jump on your bed, up and down.

Shake your head and move your hips.
Do all that you want.

Even if you are not much of dancing person, do it.
Cause its fun and you'll feel so good when you stop.
I but My bet on the adrelin.
It feels alive and fresh.
Try it and then tell me in the comments that you like it or not.

Always remember that you my muffins are a blessing from god.
and all others are big jerks.
happy stress day to all.
cause now you are smart enough to kick its ass.
lots of love,
don't forget to vote and comment.
I love you

please remember to comment and let me know if you wnat my help or have a topic that you would wnat me to write on.
and yeah vote for me.
I love you.

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