Descendants: two worlds colide

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I wake up and in Jay's arms i turn to him asleep i just smile and think to myself 'wow he is so cute! I wonder why our parents don't get a long? If me and him do date they will do all they can and break us apart. Oh god did i just if we be a couple and why am i falling for him he wont like me back.
"Wow" i say quitley he wakes up and smiles at me and i smile back

Jay's POV
"So i guess you better get back to your room before we get in trouble" she just looks at me she gives me 'are you serious?' Kind of look. "Your really nothing like your parents are you?" She says "no of course not my dad let it slide when i stold from my mother months ago and he said if i did it again he would tell her" my eyes widen for what she just said " holy lucifer.. you stold from your mother" i then add "i never thought a good girl like you would ever do something like that" she just smiles and says "my dad even refered me to your dad" we both laugh at that comment. We just stare at each other our dark brown eyes not taking them off of each other. I lean in and she does too and as you know it we're kissing passionate and yet soft at the same time
We pull apart and just look at each and all of a sudden Carlos says "do you know what your parents would say about this if they saw this?" I look at him and she gets up and out the window and carlos and i look out the window she walks nice and easy over to her room and enters and Carlos says "is this gonna be a thing with you two now? Cuz if your parents find out about this their gonna be mad or upset about this" i look at him and say "if they do so what they'll have to deal with it okay. I love her" i them think about what i just said and repeat "i love her" and then mal and evie walk in and evie says "so what are you boys up to?" Me and carlos just say nothing. All of a sudden there is a knocking at the door and mal answers it and looks at me and says "hey guys its our new friend Jayme. Come on in" she walks back in the room and all dressed for the day and she just takes my breath away i just stand there smiling like a nut and says "you look beautiful Jay" she smiles and says "is that my nickname now?" We laugh a little and i say "yes, yes it is" she smiles her beautiful smile and says "i like it" mal says "oooh someone is in love" we both just look away in embarassment that mal has brought upon on us. I just can't help it but walk straight up to her and cup her face and kiss her without hesistation she kisses back. Mal Evie and Carlos say their 'awes' we break apart and i say "i don't care what people think yet alone what our parents think. I want you" she just looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes. She says "i want to be with you too. But my parents-" i cut her off by saying "who cares what they think Jayme its what you and i think. Im not me without you. I am noth-" before i could finish she just kisses me and i kiss back. Ben then walks in and clears his throat and we all look towards his direction

Descendants: Two Worlds ColideWhere stories live. Discover now