Descendents: two worlds colide 8

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"Okay here we go" I say to my friends I knock on the door and her best friend answers and says "hey Jay I'm sorry Jayme left she went back home" I shout "what" I drop to my knees and cry Carlos comes to my aid and rubs my back trying to comfort me. I have such amazing friends there cheering up is helping a little bit. I stand and say "wish me luck guys I'm going to get my girlfriend back" I run and I find a ride and I say to the driver "take me to queen Jasmine and king Aladdin's place please" the driver goes and takes me there. It's going to be a ride so I decided to take a nap.

The car stops and I wake up and see there palace the guards will not let me in so I sneak in and I walk to the back of the huge place and climb up once I am on the back patio I see her get dressed into her night gown. She turns and sees me and opens the slide door and I walk in and she says "what are you doing here? And how did you sneak in without being caught?" I say "do you know who I am I'm Jafar's son I'm jay" she hugs me and I hug back then she pushes me back onto the patio and says "I'm sorry you have to go I don't want you in trouble" I say "I'm not going anywhere" we kiss and while we kiss there is a knock and a voice says "jayme sweetie" it's her mom then she thinks quick and says "hide in here" it's her closet man is it big alright I get in and the door opens and her mom says "are we dressed for bed my queen to be" she says "yes mom just loving my new clothes you got for me" she shuts the door and I hear their conversation. Her moms says "I know how much you love our enemies son jay but sweetie that's it. It's jafar's son and with that kind of fam-" Jayme then snaps but not to strong saying "okay mom that's enough I love him and he loves me. Kill me if you will cause I'm dating him we been dating for a year now mom. He loves me so much he will never let me go and I will do the same to him. He makes me so happy mom when you started dating dad he wasn't royal he lied to win your heart and just one thing him and jafar have in common. Yeah dad was nothing like him but he was a bit of a liar only for your heart. And you accepted him for him and that's what I'm doing to jay I love and accept him for him. I want to be with him mom and when you and dad say I can't be with him just breaks my heart. I will go to the ends of the world for jays heart" tears come upon my face and she says "so what would you do if he was here?" Her mom says "I won't send the guards I'll tell your father everything. Jay get out of that closet i know your in there" I open the door and step out and say "how did you know?" Jasmine says "I'm not just royal im a smart person too" she smiles and says "I will go and talk to Aladdin" aladdin then says entering "I was wrong about you jay only our kids choose who they want to be. I'll let you date my daughter but if you break her heart I will send my guards after you" jayme then says "father" i say "it's okay princess and I completely understand king Aladdin" I pull her close to me and he cries and says "I remember when your were just a baby I vowed to always look after you and make you safe. And now your all grown up and beautiful just like your mother. I just don't want you hurt" she says hugging her dad in tears "dad I will always be your little girl and I'm safe. He makes me feel safe and sound" she comes back to me and I wrap my arms around her kiss the top of her head and I say "I need to talk to your parents I'll be back" kiss her forehead and go somewhere else and say "I know I only been with her for a year now but she's the one for me and I don't want anyone else. She completes me and she's the same to me I love her with all of my heart. Can I have her hand in marriage?" Jasmine says "you two only been together for a year.  This is going to fast" Aladdin says "you can have her hand. I accept" Jasmine says "hun" he just looks at her and says "you heard the boy he wants no one else just her. And everyone deserves happiness and love" Jasmine then thinks and says to me "you can have her hand. In the near future give me grand babies" I smile and go back to my girl and cuddle with her. I can't wait to ask her the big question

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