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The soul has been given its own ears to hear things the mind does not understand.

~ Rumi
Turning  the side on  bed I glanced at the ticking clock once again,time runs so quickly when you have to get up early and your sleep deprived,

Each passing night my routine mirrored the latter  no matter how much I try .

But Alhumdulilah my heart was a  little in peace knowing my baba is there with me .

Two things are what I  generally think about,but presently there is an addition of tomorrow's first day in the office.

Besides that their are certain  words which endlessly roams around me every night

"I love you since I was small"

These letters makes me restless

It's not easy for me to forget his words.all what he said ,
what he did circulates around me at night.  It was the  first time I heard directly from someone ,I am a  normal girl and  not at all accustomed to hear it  from many people

No not at all ,

These types of moments has an impact on a girls mind that doesn't slips from her mind easily she thinks of it again and again with different possibilities.

the fact that troubles me is that those words didn't looked sincere,they were artificial sprinkled with fake glitters showcasing its attributes

Umar had left an impact on my brain no doubt,but he has surely failed to in my heart.

Multiple times I had interrogated myself that am I being ignorant,proud,selfish.But each time my heart assures me that I have a reason.One of it is loyalty.
I have failed to see loyalty in him.and for a relationship it's foremost important.

The other thing which fails to like him is that whenever things  goes his way he does everything to give comfort but if it  doesn't he leaves it not caring of any circumstances  others may face due to him

It's not habitual that I get a proposal that is not ready to quiet

Except I want a loyal relationship with love and care where I know I will put  all my  efforts to bloom it with passing time.
But for a relationship it needs both to make it work.
And seeing Umar.I am sacred that he will leave if he sees it's.not working without thinking how it will affect me.

How those words circulate around me every night but not even once my heart leaps with happiness or joy or nervousness or anything but a warning not to think about it.

His loyalty I wouldn't have been able to judge if I hadn't listen the same three words for someone else to..

.I love you. he had said to another too.which fortunately I was able to hear and witness.myself I remembered as a tear escaped my eyes.someone can play with emotions beautifully if the person doesn't really love .
and that's exactly what he did.

I can't have a broken relationship where it's only me trying to row the boat in the endless see of jumping waves it will not only drown me but also our relationship.which I am positive I will never say yes.

Sometimes life seems so difficult .

And than I remembered these words.

There are more fake guides, teachers in the world than stars. The real guide is the one who makes you see your inner beauty, not the one who wants to be admired and followed.

~ Shams Tabrizi

On the other hand Amir closed his eyes with a serene smile plastered on his  face as he revived all the moments once again.,
Every action of hers was filled with hesitance .

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