Chapter 19

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You might not like him in that way, but he sure does.

Yeah right. As if. Can I not be just friends with Aiden? I'm tired of my friends thinking that we like each other. I've had enough by now.

Why would anyone like me in that way anyway? There is nothing special about me. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone just pretends to be friends with me so I don't try to commit suicide again.

And they don't think that I know.

Yeah well I know everything. I know how fake Jarren is and how fake Louis is. Jackie, Josh, and Luke may be lying for all I know. Even...Adam? Well no. He cares too much not to be a fake.

Adam is the one person...that I feel like I can actually trust.

The thought of Adam reminds me of my parents. The last time I put my full trust into someone was when my parents were still alive.

I stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Images of my parents begin to haunt my mind. My dad's laugh echoes through my ears. The memories of Mom's smooth touch on my arm send chills through my body.

A tear makes its way down my cheek. How could I have been so selfish as to go through depression and put my parents through that pain? I took advantage of my time with them.

I finally thought these depressing thoughts were gone, but every time that happens they appear again. I wish I could just disappear from the face of the earth right now. I want a break from life.

A tear that had begun to fall down my face splits in two and falls onto my arm. And then I feel another tear on my other arm. Or it raining?

A low grumbling noise echoes in the distance. "Oh no," I whisper to myself. It's going to storm and I don't know my way home. I hadn't paid attention to where I was going.

I pull out my phone so I can use it to find my way back to Lisa's.

But it won't turn on.

"No! Come on!" The thundering becomes closer and closer.

I knew I shouldn't have done this. I should've stayed home when my friends left the house. Instead I just had to lie to Lisa when I told her that I was going to meet up with Aiden.

I'm so stupid, and I hate myself. Why can't I ever think?

Well now I have to find my way out of this mess somehow. I see a park at the end of the street. Unfortunately it's not one that I recognize. But there are quite a few trees. Maybe I'll manage to escape some of the rain that has already drenched me.

I half run, half walk to the park. Tears continue to pour from my eyes. All I want is to stop feeling this way that I feel.

When I reach a few trees, I lean my back against one, sliding down it and stare upwards. Through the green leaves, I see a pitch black sky, the only light is from flashes of lighting.

I fold my legs close to my body and lean my forehead onto my knees. A loud sob escapes my lips, immediately followed by a clasp of thunder.

Jon was right. He told me not to walk these streets alone. He told me that I can't take care of myself. If only I would listen to him.

Suddenly I hear footsteps approach. Frightened, I pull my head up and rake my hair back.

My fright immediately dissolves when I see him standing in front of me. I let out a long sigh as another round of salty tears fall from my eyes. "Adam," I whisper.

Surviving the StormOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant