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Time passed by really fast and almost everybody knew that I had a crush on him. It wasn't exactly a secret when all I did was shy away and act even more immature around him. I didn't understand these feelings nor did I really desire them. I had already experienced love before and I did not what this to evolve into that. Love had left me scarred and so broken that I didn't know what to do with these feelings.

     It was a night like any other, I was working as always and was talking to my best friend, Nicole who was currently giving me a break. Nervously I answered her question, why I possibly liked him!" I don't know Nicole it's just he's cute obviously and he's just i don't know. I don't decide." She rolled her eyes at me and sighed " well whatever it's your choice" I swallowed and glanced to where he was currently posted " should I tell him? I mean that I liked him?" Nicole chuckled and starts walking away " he already knows" my eyes widened and I started to panic " wait what do you mean he already knows?!" Nicole glances back at me and shrugs " I mean almost everyone knows it'd be hard for him not to know."  Anxiety crawled up and my throat tighten. Fear embedded into my veins. The whole night i spent in fear that he knew before I actually knew how I felt. I glanced over at him and saw him laughing and chatting with our other co workers. He was so cute. What hope did I have that he would actually like me in return? I sighed, praying as well that he didn't know my feelings for him.

Unfortunately it seemed like lady luck wasn't on my side. As I headed to go grab my things and leave, I stopped by his post and shyly smiled. He of course rolled his eyes and sighed " What's up?" I sighed and quickly immaturely said " I like you" and as I was about to turn tail and run, he shouted " I know." Embarassed as hell, I kept walking and hung my head low in humilation. I went home and as I was getting home, I received a text from him.

Him: Hey,  thanks but I'm sorry I don't like you that way.

Me: It's okay. You don't have to apologize.

Him: I still feel bad. Sorry

It was the least to say, I felt bad that he didn't like me but I understood. I wasn't the prom queen or miss beauty either. Oh well.

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