The elevator

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After getting rejected, I was ready to give up. I completely understood, although I couldn't say I wasn't hurt by it. The days after the rejection I had taken it upon myself to avoid his glances and stares. I didn't mean to be awkward but how could I help myself? The guy I liked knew I liked him and probably the rest of my co- workers did as well. The embarrassment was enough to have me hang my head in shame. I thought to myself ' Okay so this whole thing should blow over in a while' but as time passed by, my ignoring him made him more interested in talking to me, and his annoying way of trying to talk to me started to provoke my temper. He was poking a sleeping bear with a very sharp stick. We started talking, until suddenly the topic of a kiss came up, there was certain times where his face was so close to mine that it seemed like he was about to kiss me. Every time he would back away and walk away from me, leaving me confused and angry. So I decided to provoke him by jabbing where it hurt more. His ego. I started calling him a chicken, chicken for not being man enough to kiss me.

I never saw it coming but one day while we were working, I was stuck in a elevator as part of my job and he was stuck right outside the elevator. The whole day was passing by slowly but it was fun being able to talk throughout work, although I did get into a little trouble. It was unexpected but a co - worker who knew about the tension between myself and Brett, stepped out of the elevator and covered his spot when suddenly he pushed me back into the elevator and putting his hands on my hips, and placing his lips against mine. The feeling of his lips on mine were nothing like I imagined. I always imagined kisses as slow and sweet but this kiss was the opposite. This kiss was fast and passionate and I immediately felt a fire spread throughout my body as I responded to his kiss. The passion began to elevate and elevate until we both heard the ding from the elevator ring, we jumped apart and stood at opposite parts of the elevator. We both continued with our job, until people were gone. He wiped his lips off and as he was about to get off the elevator, he said " Told ya I wasn't a chicken" and he walked out. As the elevator doors began to close, I placed a hand on my sore and abused lips, as a big bright red blush spread across my whole face in that dark elevator.

What just happened???

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