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"Come in," Stefan called from inside the room.

The door swung open and a slightly disheveled looking Asce walked in. Stefan raised his eyebrows and clucked his tongue.

"So, did you finally remember our meeting?" he said with a look of disapproval. Asce flushed and struggled for an excuse.

"I, um, I forgot," he mumbled drawing a blank. Stefan stared at the blonde haired angel, unsure of whether or not to punish or reward him for that helpless look on his face.

"I see."

Stefan got up from his desk and made his way to where the boy was standing. He gave Asce a once over then, nodding to himself, he grabbed his coat and keys.

"Let's go somewhere more comfortable to discuss your literary education."

Asce swallowed nervously, but followed the much taller man without complaint.


The air was chilly outside as Stefan made his way to his car. It was of a sleek sort, his Audi, all smooth angles and dark paint, and Asce almost gasped out loud when Stefan opened the door.


Stefan grinned, happy to see that his car could rouse such an excited face on the small boy.

"My baby. 16's A7, got her brand new and boy, is she a beauty."

Stefan watched as Asce walked around the car in awe. He wanted to grab him and push him down onto the hood. He wanted to take his sweet time and wipe that look of awe right off that perfect face.

Shaking himself from his reverie, Stefan stepped up behind the unsuspecting boy, who was just standing there admiring his baby.

"Be careful, someone might drown in that drool of yours."

Asce jumped, then turned bright red as he realized what Stefan had said. "Sorry! I'll ah, I'll just leave my bags inside." Fumbling, Asce tossed his backpack inside and turned around. "Are you not getting in?"

Stefan shook his head, "It's too close for a car, besides, it's nice out. Enjoy the Arctic breeze."

Asce cracked a smile at the joke and pulled his coat tighter across his body as he walked beside his professor.

They made small talk, things from their favorite movies to how many pets they have. It was nice, and Asce was pleasantly surprised at how alike they were. They walked for ten minutes or so until Stefan stopped in front of a tacky orange building.

"After you." Stefan held the door open as Asce walked into the coffee shop. A whiff of that same dark scent he had smelled before permeated Asce's senses as he walked by Stefan and it was all he could do without wrapping his body around the older man's.

"Order what you'd like, it's on me."

Asce held that dark gaze for a couple seconds before hastily glancing down at the menu. Immediately he perked up.

"There's caramel here," he stated, a wide smile flashing across his face. Stefan stared as that innocent face lit up with the light of a thousand stars. Was the key to Asce's heart as simple as a hot cup of sweet caramel mocha?

Stefan smiled to himself, Asce was just too cute. It was a shame he had to be a student at the university.

Composing his face into a more appropriate look, Stefan cleared his throat. "Are you ready to order?" he asked.

Asce looked up from his haze of caramel heaven and nodded. Stefan raised his hand and a waiter walked over.

Asce watched as her eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of Stefan. "What can I get you two gentlemen today?" the barista chirped, standing a bit closer than necessary to Stefan. Asce noted that the girl's eyes never once left the man sitting across from him. Stefan coughed, bringjng Asce's attention back to the menu, and motioned for Asce to go first.

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