Way of the Ninja

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A small village was on a hillside. A old man was walking on a stone path heading towards the village. He had his sights set on one particular building. 'Four Weapons'. Inside the shop was a young man and woman. The young man had spiky dark brown hair, tan skin, and amber eyes that held a spark of fire in them. He was making a sword while the younger sister, who had short ebony black hair that cascaded like a waterfall down her chin and stopped above her shoulders with fair skin and Sapphire blue eyes, stood by the counter, until she turn around to watch him.

"To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat." He took the sword off the furace. "Cool it off..." he put it in a bucket of water. " and.....presto!" He holds up a twisted sword. He groans lightly. His sister giggles. "You made it too quickly, Kai. Be patient. If father was still here, he'd say-" "I know," Kai interrupted. "No matter how much fire you have , experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nya, but I'll be a better blacksmith than Dad ever was!" The old man walked into the shop and looked at Kai. He was dressed in a white Gi with a straw hat, Crystal blue eyes, and a long white beard. In his left hand was a staff. "Hmm. Your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down." He walked over to the Samurai display. "All tool for a Samurai." He tapped the helmet with his staff and it tipped. "But nothing for a ninja?"

"Ninja?" Kai scoffed. "You're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts old man." He pointed up at the sign on the top of the building. "And the shop is called 'Four Weapons' not 'For Browsing'." He walked over to the old man, getting in his face. "Either buy something or go pettle your insults somewhere else."

"Hm." The old man scoffed. "Too bad. Throught I'd find something special here." He turned and walked away.

Kai looked at his sister and she waved her arms at him to go talk to the old man. He went over to a pile of helmets and picked one up. "If it's something special you're looking for, let me sh-" he turned turned.......and the old man was gone. He looked around.

"What is it? Nya asked. "He was just-" he looked around some more. "Forget it." He put the helmet back.

Suddenly, the sky outside over the hill turned black with dark clouds. The villagers in the rice fields looked up. Suddenly a Skull truck and motorcycles appeared over the hill. "Oh please, oh please, oh please. I'm drying to go down there." A skeleton named Nuckal begged. Another skeleton named Kruncha glared at him. "You nitwit! You're already died! Try to control yourself in front of Master Samukai!" He gestured to the 6 armed skeleton in the driver's seat.

He coughed. "Ah......with all due respect, you did said that....I could go first." Samukai looked at them. "Sorry boys. This one is mine." He looked at the village. "Just remember what we're after and find. That. Map. ATTTTTTTACK!!!!!!!!!!!" They charged down the hill. The villagers yelled and ran towards them to intercept. But Samukai held out his arms, armed with daggers and yelled "Boo!" The villagers screamed and ran and the motorcycles circled the shop.

Nya looked out there. "What are they?"

Kai came to the counter with Samurai armor on and a sword in his hand. "I don't know..." he put his helmet on. "Stay here." He went out, his sword ready and skeletons jumped out of motorcycles. Kai fought one and blocked another. He knocked the head off one. He sliced at one and knocked him down. "Ow!" The head of a skeleton bite his leg. "Bite this!" He kicked it and it sailed over the shop. Two skeletons clapped for that, then were knocked over by Nya with a staff.

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