The First Weapon

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The next morning, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Alex, and Arianna were pulling Sensai's carriage. Cole was at the front, Kai, Zane, and Jay were in the middle, and Alex and Arianna were at the back. Sensai was riding in the carriage.

"Sign me up!" Jay tried to mimic Kai's voice.

"Way to go, spark plug!" Cole said.

"I sense this is some strange form building." Zane commented.

"Just keep pulling." Cole told them. "We have a long way to go."

"So," Kai started. "Where did Sensai find you guys?"

"Let's just say," Cole started. "If it wasn't for Sensai Wu, I don't we'll ever be seen together."

"I was testing my limits." He told them.

"I was testing my invention." Jay said proudly.

"I," Zane panted. "Was testing myself."

"I was playing my flute." Said Alex.

"And I was playing video games." Arianna said simply.

"You're right." Kai said to Cole. "If it wasn't for Sensai, none of us would-"

"Shh!" Sensai said. "Stop."

After stopping, they walked all the rest of the way to a digging site where the Scythe of Quakes was located. They hid behind a huge rock, spying on the skeleton army.

"The Caves of Despair." Sensai said. "Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes. Remember! Do not use the weapon for it's power-"

Jay cut in. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's too much for us mortals. Alright guys, let's chop saki this lemonade stand." He turned to Cole. "Cole, do you have a plan?" He asked.

"Sure do," Cole replied. "First, we lower ourselves down the ledge, and then...where's Kai?" They looked around, and saw Kai sneaking in.

Cole signed. "Let's go."

They sneaked in, and threw a cart over their heads. They were doing a pretty good job until they ran into a wall. They continued to sneak through. Kai was almost spotted by a skeleton, but he was quickly forced under a box and beaten up. Kai was heading towards a watch tower where the map was at. The others made their way to him. Kai was at the top when they joined him.

"What's the matter with you?!" Jay hissed and smacked Kai upside his head.

"Shh!" Kai shushed him and they all look down at the hole in the ceiling of the roof. Inside, Samukai was looking at the map. He chuckled and lay it on the table, and then he left.

"It's upside down, they're digging in the wrong spot." Jay said.

"We need to get that map." Arianna whispered.

"The golden weapon is near." Zane said. He had attached one of his shurikens to a piece of rope. When Cole nodded, he threw it at the map. The shuriken pierced the paper, and he brought it up. They inspected the map.

"There's no time to waste." Kai said, and he flipped off the roof.

"What is it with that guy?" Jay asked. "Always in a rush."

Alex looked at him. "You would be too if someone you love was kidnapped." He said. They followed him. They found Kai in a big cave, trying to push a boulder out of the way.

"Hey, before you ran off again, you need to remember that we're a team." Cole told Kai.

"Yeah, whatever." Kai replied. They helped him push the boulder out of the way. They walked in, and saw a dragon's head with the scythe in it's mouth.

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