The Others

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That night, 5 figures in black ninja suits came to the monstery. They jumped and flipped their way in. They were heading to the room of one person. Kai stood in front of a mirror and brushed his teeth. 'My advice is to get some sleep'. Sensai's voice echoed in his head. "Oh yeah! Well take this!" He swung his electric toothbrush like a sword. "How about a little of this!" He swiped at the open air. "And this!" He spun and held his toothbrush out...right in front of a ninja with a scythe. Suddenly the rest came out. One with nun-chucks, one with shurikens, one with a bo-staff, and one with twin katanas. "Oops..." Kai trailed off. They surrounded him. The one with shurikens was about to make the first move, but Kai quickly stuffed his electric toothbrush in their mouth, who spit it out causing it to hit the one with nun-chucks in the forehead, which in turn bounced off of him, causing it to sail through the air and into the scythe wielder's shirt, who shuddered at the sudden discomfort.
The ninja with the twin katanas laughed a little at the sight while the ninja with the Bo-staff chuckled. While they were distracted, Kai climbed up into the rafters. He ran on the beams until the ninja with the shurikens stop him. He kicked him, but Kai ducked. He fell down a open beam. Kai laughed. He looked up, and saw the ninja with the scythe tackled him. He was sent from the roof to the ground. He rolled and hit the pedestal with the dragon on it. The ninja followed. Kai got up and hit the red button. The training course appeared.
The ninja with the nun-chucks got hit by the dummies, the ninja with the shurikens and the ninja with the Bo-staff got hit by a spiked ball, and the ninja with the twin katanas got pounded in the gut by the moving pedestals. The ninja with the scythe ducked when a spiked ball hit him, but Kai hopped on a punching bag, and using his body weight, slammed into him. Punches and kicks were thrown. One of the ninja skidded across the training course. Kai and one of the ninja were wrestling on the ground. The others dogpiled on them. Suddenly, the doors opened and light flooded the training course. "Stop!" Sensai shouted. They all got up and the five figures bowed. "Yes Sensai." They said in unison.

Kai looked at them, and then at Sensai. "Wait a minute." Kai started. "They're your students too?" Sensai nodded.

"This was my final test, wasn't it?" He realized.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." One of the ninja, next to Kai, stepped forward. He chuckled. "You never said anything about a sixth. It's always five. Five Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, five little monkeys, five-" he was got off by one of the ninja.

He stepped forward. " Uh, what's he trying to say , Sensai Wu. Is that the five of us have trained together. We're soild."

Kai smirked and crossed his arms. "Didn't look so soild to me." The ninja glared at him.

"Master," the third ninja stepped forward. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked.

Sensai walked down the steps. "Each of you have been chosen." He started. "Each in tune with elemental properties. But first...." he put his staff behind his back and spun, encasing himself in his golden Spinjitzu. "Ninja-Go!" He spun by, changing their outfits. Each of them was wearing a different color ninja Gi, with their signature weapon in hand. They all look at themselves.

"Whoa! How'd he do that?" Kai asked.

"Look what color I am!" The blue ninja exclamied.

"Wait a minute." The black ninja said. "I'm still black."

"Kai, Master of Fire. It burns brightly in you." Sensai said tapping Kai on his shoulder with his staff.

"Jay is blue. Master of Lighting." Sensai said while tapping Jay on his shoulder.

"Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing, I dabble model building, touch of cooking, a little poetry-" Jay was again cut off by the black ninja.

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