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Kai struggles to climb up the mountain. Sensai has no problem at all climbing it. Kai grunted and heaved himself to the top. He saw Sensai sitting on a rock. "How long is training going to be?" Kai asked. "Aren't we on a little bit of a rush since they have the map?"

Sensai stood up and stroked his beard. "Patience" they went inside. They were at a monstery. "You will be ready when you are ready, not a minute sooner." "A monstery. You expect me to learn how to fight in a place of peace?" Kai queried. "Not fight. Train." He walked over to a pedestal with a small golden dragon on it. "To become a true ninja. First, you must be able to see what others do not."

"But there's nothing here." Kai protested. Sensai stared for a while before tapping the dragon statue. It tipped back, revealing a red button. He pressed it, and there was a rumbling noise. Suddenly, in the center, a large golden dragon rised out of the ground. Suddenly the training equipment appeared from the stone floor to show a training course.

"Whoa." Kai said in awe, stepping forward. "Is this gonna teach me that cool move?" He hopped on a wooden beam in a crane position and it started to sink. "Oh dear..." Sensai said. The beam lauched Kai in the air and he screamed as he hit the main part of the training course. He fell to the ground with a grunt, landing flat on his stomach.

"Complete the training course before I finished my tea. Then we will see if you are ready." Sensai poured himself a cup of tea and drown it down like it was nothing. "Today you have failed." He got up and back flipped inside the monstery. "Tomorrow you will try again." "Failed?" Kai protested, getting to his feet. "But I didn't even start to-"

"Patience." Sensai said, and the door closed. Blocking each other from view. Everyday Kai tried to beat the training course but he kept failing each time. The worst part was that he knew he was failing miserably and Sensai wasn't making it any easier for him.
"Ah fail"
"So fail"
Then one day, a very determined Kai opened the door, his wooden sword in his hand. Sensai sat on the steps with his tea. Kai flipped his way through the training course. When he got to the moving pedestals, he threw his sword at Sensai's cup. It flew out of his hands. Sensai tried to quickly fill up his next cup, but when he looked up, Kai was no where to be seen.

"Is that one sugar of two?" Sensai looked at Kai, sitting next to him with his bowl of sugar. "Heh." Sensai got up and walked to his room.

"So am I going to learn this Spinjitzu I've been hearing so much about?"

"You already have. Your final test comes tomorrow. My advice is to get some sleep." The door closed behind him. "Huh." Kai said.

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