Chapter 5 : Jealousy

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Luna had just finished her lessons with Nova. The two mares began to walk back to Luna's room. "Great job today Luna! You even created a real star with magic! Maybe by tomorrow you'll be able to bring forth the stars!" Nova exclaimed. 

Luna replied, "Thank you Nova! Good morning!" Luna had gotten her body on a new schedule. Her night was our day and vice versa. "Good morning Luna, sleep well!" Nova said as she walked back to her own room to rest. 

After Nova left, Luna decided to write in her diary. She wrote...

"Dear Diary,

It's been one week since my nightmare. I am still scared to sleep. I haven't slept in days. I never want to dream again."

"LUNA I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!!!" Tia exclaimed as she galloped into Luna's room.

"What? How? When?" Luna replied with curiosity. Tia turned around and showed Luna her flank. 

"It is beautiful!" Luna gasped as she gazed upon a bright sun image. It glittered in the light. 

"So you know how the unicorns raise the sun? Well today Starswirl told me that I could do it. And I did!!! I raised the sun and this appeared! I am the bringer of the sun and day! Can you bring forth anything yet?" Tia exclaimed, bragging.

"No, I can't. I need to sleep now. Good morning." Luna's eyes glimmered with jealousy. Tia frowned. "Fine! I knew you weren't gonna care anyway!" Tia galloped away, shutting the door with her amazing golden magic. "Ugh.. she always brags. One day, I will do something better than her....hopefully." Luna mumbled to herself as she flopped down onto her bed. "I am going to get my cutie mark tomorrow." Luna's eyes began to close. "NO! I can't sleep." Luna got up from her bed and paced around. She began to cry. "My sister will always be better than me...."

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