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It all happened so suddenly. First i was with my friends at a party, then everyone was running and screaming, my best friend grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into her cellar. She was clearly shaken so i asked what was wrong and all she said was, "It's happening." She was pacing back and forth. Her family was away on vacation that's why she was having this party. Her family has a lot of money and I've been her friend since elementary school. And I've never seen her like this.

"Olivia what's going on?" I asked.

"The bombers...the attackers. They're here!" She responded, still panicking. I grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her a bit.

"Olivia listen. We will be safe in here, we'll stay in here over night. I'll keep us safe." I said looking into her eyes. She hugged me tightly.

"Scar i'm scared. I'm actually scared." She said shakily.

"Lay down, tomorrow we can travel to my house, it's not that far we'll be okay. Just rest, i'll stay up." I said trying to calm her down more.

Olivia nodded and laid down. I sat across the cellar. I couldn't hear anything outside. If what Olivia said is right, so many innocent people could be getting killed and hurt out there. Our friends, Families, pets, it's a horrible feeling sitting here defenceless; not being able to do anything. My eyelids started to feel heavy and before I knew it I was asleep...

I was woken up by Olivia shaking me.

"Scar...Scar, it's morning." She said softly.

"I fell asleep?" i asked.

"Yea, i guess. I just woke up..." Olivia replied. "Are we still running to your house?" She added.

"Yea, let me look outside, then we can head over, okay?" I said sleepily. I stood up and walked over to the cellar door. Opening the door slowly I took a look outside. I gasped. Olivia's house was wrecked. You could barely tell it use to be a house.

"Okay, Olivia come on... we have to be really careful." I said quietly into the cellar signalling for her to come out.

As soon as she walked out she saw her house. All of the memories left in that house are now gone and forgotten. I heard a sniff from her and i gave her a tight hug.

"Come on, let's go and see if my stuff is okay..." I said softly. She just nodded. We started walking and it was eerily quiet for the city we live in. Our little subdivision is usually busy and is filled with families walking with their kids. Or people with their pets. It's scary seeing this, everything just destroyed or wrecked. I decided it probably wasn't safe to walk out in the open out on the main street; so we took the back paths behind the houses.

After a little of the walk when we were about halfway to my house we heard shouting and a few gun shots. Me and Olivia started to bolt and the gunshots got louder and I stopped hearing my best friend running next to me. I looked back and she fell to the ground. Running back i see the crimson puddle under her.

"Olivia!" I fell to my knees and lifted her head onto my knee. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Olivia... please...please talk to me!"

She coughed up blood onto my red skirt.

"S-Scar?" She asked shakily.

"I'm here Oli..."

"Leave me behind Scar...I'm a dead weight n-now..." Her voice was getting quieter every second and then suddenly i heard more gunshots right by.

"R-RUN!" Olivia pushed me away. I stood up and started running. I was leaving my best friend behind.

"I LOVE YOU OLIVIA!" I screamed as i was running. I heard a loud gunshot and her scream. I couldn't handle this feeling i started bawling as i was running. My best friend is back there either dead or dying. And it's because i couldn't protect her. I heard one more gun shot as i was turning on the trail and a sudden sharp pain in my side. I let out a scream and just kept running for my house. Until i finally got there, it looked sort of fine... its was still standing. I ran inside and hid.

Crying i lifted up my black dress shirt and saw that the pain is a bullet wound, it grazed my side. I took some scissors and cut off one of my sleeves and balled it against the wound and got the medical tape from the bathroom and wrapped it around my stomach so the sleeve didn't go anywhere. It hurt to much, everything has gone to shit. My best friend is gone...

I leaned against the wall and slumped to the ground holding my side. I suddenly remembered something and ran upstairs. I opened the door to my bedroom and went under my bed and pulled out what I've been waiting to use, but i wished i never had to use it. I pulled my katana out of its sheath and looked at the custom crimson blade. I got this for my birthday one year from Olivia... Her dad made it for me. Now i can't enjoy those times anymore...I stood up and went to my closet and grabbed the cloak i had in there from a halloween costume a few years back it's still big on me, but it covers up the huge bloody area. I grabbed my katana and walked back downstairs and grabbed my backpack off of the kitchen table. I started stuffing food and water in it and things I needed. I took a deep breath and walked out of my house to go see if there were other survivors.

My name is Scarlett and I will survive...

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