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So this day has a great start...We almost got attacked and now I got us lost. I've never been in this part of the city, all i know is that it's the forest preserve that we're lost in right now; It spans on for miles so it would be worthless just walking in a straight line out.

"Scar you okay?" I heard Diablo ask behind me.

"Uhm...what if i were to tell you, i got us lost?"

"Are we?"

"Haha...yea." I was looking around trying to see if there was any sign of me knowing where we are.

This is a horrible place to be, so many places for people to hide around and jump out to attack. I was on edge. Suddenly i heard a twig snap and i quickly unsheathed my katana. Then suddenly I heard a guy scream "DUCK!" I crouched down to the ground and pulled Diablo with me. Both of us heard a loud gunshot then a thud behind us. I looked and there was a man with a knife, shot dead.

I saw two people walk out from behind some trees. It was a female with red and black hair, and a guy next to her with black hair.

"Sorry if we scared you. We mean no harm, we saw that man creeping behind you. I didn't want to see more innocent people die." The female said.

"My name is Rosalyn, and this is Max." She added on after.

"Well...uhm thanks for..." I looked at the corpse of the man behind me; "that."

"Haha yea, no problem." Rosalyn said.

"You two a thing?" Max asked pointing at me and Diablo. My face heated up. Yes Diablo was attractive and...i'm letting my mind wonder.

"U-uhm, no." I stuttered. I could tell Diablo was attempting to hide his face. Was it that he was blushing too?

In the end. We formed a bigger group. Me, Diablo, Rosalyn, and Max. In the beginning...i never thought i would form a group after Oli...

I introduced myself to the two newbies and Diablo introduced himself as well. Rosalyn told me her and Max have been together since the start of the end. They've been dating for a while they said too. It's cute, the world is going to shit and they go through it all together.

After talking for a while Max actually knows his way around the forest and he said it's probably the best place to set up camp. Not many people come through here and if they do you can usually hear. All of us talked all day...it's been the longest i've talked since last year. Eventually we did set up camp and Rosalyn was staying up to keep watch, just in case. Half way through the night I couldn't sleep so I took over for Rosalyn. After a bit of sitting around i heard Diablo get up and walk over to where I was sitting.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Just a lot on mind; also, I am cold as fuck." I said shivering. It's the middle of fall and it's almost winter. I don't have the right clothes, but this is all I have.

"One sec." Diablo said and walled over to his stuff. And walked back with his blanket he keeps in his bag and wrapped it around me and him. I've only known him for a few days and he's so nice to me, even when i first met him and i was a silent bitch to him.

"I don't want you getting sick, we need the fighter."

"The fighter?"

"Yep. When I met you seemed rude and weak, but now you're actually very polite and strong. You fight through all of this." He said softly. I smiled.

"You're pretty damn strong too. You practically saved me from those four guys. I could have been turned into a sex slave or the could have killed me straight up, but you came in and saved me...thank you." I said quietly trying not to wake up Rosalyn and Max. My eyes felt heavy and my head too, I felt my head slump onto Diablo's shoulder and I heard him say; "Get some rest you need it. I'll stay up." He said not caring that my head was on his shoulder.

I smiled softly and nodded.

"Thank you Diablo..."

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