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Three weeks later...

I'm happy me and Max came across Scarlett and Diablo. All four of us make a very good team, we haven't gotten attacked for a while, but if we do we're prepared. Me and Scarlett both have fast lethal katanas, Diablo with a heavy blade, and Max with his 44 magnum revolver. If anyone came to attack us I think they'd be sorry.

Scarlet and Diablo were on watch one night so me and Max were talking about if the world comes together again, what we would do with our future. I've been with Max even before the world went to shit. We also knew we would survive together, we then later met Scar and Diablo. They're both cool and nice. I hope to get to know more about them.


Over the past few weeks I've gotten to know Diablo very well. All I have to say is that...I'm happy i met him. He's helped me get my mind off of Oli and he actually makes me smile even though the world has gone to shit. I' greatful.

Tonight I had watchout duty while everyone was sleeping. I was letting the silence sink into me. The black of the night, the chirping of bugs...it seemed like a normal night, but there was no sound of the city. Most of the time you can usually hear gunshot off in the far distance as well. Tonight was actually...peaceful. As i was sitting I saw a small white flake fall in front of me.


Oh yea. By now I've lost track of time and days. I usually guess. More snowflakes danced to the ground and started layering on the ground.

I had to wake everyone up, I can't leave everyone to freeze overnight in the snow; so we started to travel again. We were all tired, but we didn't want to freeze to death. We were all huddled up while walking so we all stayed warm i have my cloak, but its thin. Each of us have our blankets, but they're in our bags so they don't get fucked up by the snow.

We kept walking till morning, we were all exhausted and cold. The sun was rising and the about, inch thick layer of snow already started to melt away. It was still cold and frigid outside and we needed to find a place with a roof to stay so we don't get nailed with snow as we try to sleep. We sat down to rest for a bit and ate, then we set off again to look for a place. This sucks, but this is what we have to do if we don't want to freeze to death.

Since Max knows the woods he navigated us through to an end and we were by one of the small towns on the outskirts of the city. It reminded me of my house, my warm bed, mom making hot cocoa for me and Oli when she would sleep over...I still miss it. Diablo saw my sudden mood change and quietly asked;

"You okay Scar?"

"Honestly I don't know Diablo..." I looked at him.

"Just try and keep your head up, don't let things drag you down. You're strong." He smiled.

"Thank you Diablo..." I smiled weakly back.

"Over there should be where it is." I was cut out of though by Max talking about a place he knows where we may all be safe if we stay there.

"Take the lead." Rosalyn said with a small laugh and followed close behind Max. Me and Diablo we walking behind them talking. Suddenly my head started to really hurt then suddenly the world went black.


While we were all walking Scarlett was next to me talking, then suddenly i didn't hear her footsteps anymore. I looked back and she was collapsed on the ground.

"Guys hold up!" I shouted up to Rosalyn and Max. They both turned around.

"What happened? Is she hurt?" Rosalyn asked.

"I think she just passed out from exhaustion." I replied. I picked her up and started carrying her on my back. She wasn't that heavy so it wasn't hard to walk with her on my back.

"You got her?" Max asked. I just simply nodded and continued walking.

"Let' find this place you were talking about and get some rest." I said as we were starting to go again.


I knew exactly where we were going. It's an old friend of mines house. I was the lead since i knew where I was going, Lyn was right by my side and Diablo was carrying Scarlett because she had passed out. As we got to the edge of the woods I could see the place in sight, it was a bit run down, but still all together. My old friend owned a farm and I use to stay here a few times.

I saw that his house was wrecked, but the barn was still in tact. I lead the way to the barn and slowly opened the door and peeked inside. No one...good. I opened the door all the way and everyone walked in. It's not heated or anything, but it's a place to stay so we don't have to worry about snow getting in. Diablo put down his blanket and placed Scarlett down on it.

We all sat down and left Scarlett to rest.

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