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One year later...

It has been so quiet for the whole time all of this is going on. My wound by now is just a dark scar, people know me as scar because of it, but of course they haven't survived this long... It's hell. You can't trust anyone anymore. It's scary, I've lost count of how many people i've killed...I don't know if that's good or bad anymore either.

I'm still in the city, but on the outskirts. I've heard inside the city there's a group that kills anyone close. I want to survive I need to...for Oli. I'm walking down an old street. And there's no one in sight; so i keep walking. By now being this far into the end, i've found a belt to keep my katana sheath on so i don't have to carry it in my hands the entire time.

As soon as i think things are peaceful and quiet something hits the back of my leg hard causing me to fall and the hood of my cloak covers my face.

"Look at what we found boys." I heard a raspy voice say. I looked up... I was surrounded by four men. I was by far outnumbered. If it was only two i'd be fine, but four...i'm fucked. And now I also noticed i wandered into part of the city.

"G-Get away..." I stuttered. I was defenceless; a deer in the headlights.

"Such a poor little girl, hehehe boss let's take her, she can be put to use." Another man said. He grabbed my arm and i started to struggle.

"LET GO OF ME!" I was kicking and screaming, but me against four...I wouldn't win. Suddenly one of the guys dropped and someone as standing over him. A guy with a heavy blade i can tell.

"Haven't you ever learn respect?" The new person laughed.

"Who the hell are you?" One man asked looking at his now dead friend.

"Oh you don't have to know me if you're going to die." As he was saying that it was distracting the men, I quietly stood up and unsheathed my katana and the man let out a piercing scream. His friends turned to look and there was only two left, an easy battle. I breathed in and lunged at another slicing the katana through the man who was still impaled after i stabbed him. I swiftly cut a large gash in the man's neck who was grabbing me. And right as i was about to attack the last one the new guy cut him down.

"Nice skills." He said to me. I stayed silent.

"Not much of a talker huh? I can't even see your face with that hood," He added. "You don't have to be sketchy around me, the world sucks, but I just want to help people." I stood there and wiped the blood off my katana onto my cloak. I took off the hood and looked at him.

"What's your name?" i simply asked.

"Everyone calls me Diablo." He replied.


"Yep." He bluntly replied.

He looked in shape for all what was going on.

"You have a group?" He asked.

"Nope." I was trying to stay as quiet as i could. I don't like talking to people now.

"Well you have one now."

"Wait what?"

"I don't have a group so yea i'm sticking with you." He said and laughed. He's childish but he looks about the same age as me.

"Okay fine...you can tag along with me. Just don't get us killed." I sighed and said. He smiled.

"Don't worry. I won't get a good fighter killed." I felt my face get slightly hot.

"Y-Yea, whatever let's get going." I started walking.

"So anyways, why do you wear the cloak?" Diablo asked. I lifted it up a bit and the scar was clearly visible.

"Everyone calls me Scar... it was also my nickname before all of this..." I said quietly. He could probably tell it was a bad topic with me so he stopped asking about it.

We kept walking in silence for a while until it started to get really dark.

"Should we start setting up camp for overnight?" He asked breaking the silence. I nodded and hauled my bag off of my back.and put it on the ground. We were by a patch of woods. It seems safe. I pulled out my blanket and laid down and almost immediately fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of crunching leaves. My hand reached for my katana and i sat up only to see Diablo right in front of me.

"Oh shit, sorry." He said. "You had a bug on your face so i was trying to get it off." He said clumsily standing up.

"Yea whatever, it's fine." I replied.

"Also, here." Diablo handed me a breakfast bar.

"Holy shit i haven't had one of these in forever!" I got too excited.

"U-Uhm sorry, i'm usually not that excited around people." I said quietly. Diablo smiled; "It's fine, It's actually fun seeing you like that." That comment made my face hot again. I stayed quiet.

"Sorry if I pissed you off." He said a bit after.

"It's fine. Whatever." I was still sitting in the silence of us not speaking. Then i heard gunshots off in the distance.

The gunshots were progressively getting louder so i started packing up our stuff. Then suddenly it sounded like it was right by us. I grabbed Diablo's arm and ran into the woods.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Just shut up and keep running!" I yelled back. I just kept running holding onto his wrist. Then suddenly I noticed...I got us lost.  

The Darkest Daysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن