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It was definitely a shock to everyone when seeing T'Challa and Bucky already together, but it wasn't a shock that they were even closer than before. Tony was certain T'Challa couldn't wait any longer to ask Bucky out, and he had asked Steve during science to prom. The tall blonde said yes with no hesitation, and now only Clint was left to ask Natasha. Sam is going with Wanda as friends, but everyone thinks something is going on between them.

It was the day before prom, and the archery nerd was still without a date. Bucky would usually kill any guy that wanted to date his sister, but he likes Clint as a brother, and he sometimes notices when Natasha is talking about him that she sometimes even smiles. And Nat smiling is very rare.

"Clint, you're killing me. Just go up to her and ask. Simple,"

The blonde shook his head frantically. Bucky was giving him permission to ask Natasha to prom, but he still always got sweaty and nervous around her.

"Easy for you to say! I'm gonna be sick..."

Tony grimaced and pushed his tray of food away from Clint, and giggled seeing Steve struggling to open his chips.

"Wait, she's coming over here," Steve said and Clint shot his head up and saw the redhead walking over to them.

Clint was heaving, and Tony was trying to calm him down.

"Hey Clint, can we talk?" Natasha asked a bit shy. Bucky was shocked seeing his sister like this.

"S-Sure, yeah," Clint got up from his spot on the floor and walked to the other side of the hallway with her.

Before Bucky could get up and eavesdrop, he heard T'Challa's beautiful laugh and Sam's obnoxious one coming closer. He knew the two had become close, as Sam put it 'we black folk are automatically family'.

"Yo Buck, you won't believe how many girls asked T'Challa to prom today. Tell him T, I'm dying over here," Sam said in between laughs and the Wakandan sat next to Bucky and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"10. Sad really, they don't know I already have a hot date," he said and Bucky blushed and bit his lip. A habit T'Challa noticed from the get go, and it was adorable and frustrating at the same time. He had to wait until after school to kiss Bucky, since they made it a rule to no PDA during lunch. Not the school rule, Clint's rule.

Before they knew it, Clint came back with a smile on his face. He sighed in a daze and sat back down next to Tony and continued eating like nothing happened.

"Well?" Steve asked.

"She asked me to prom. I said yes, and I uh...kissed her?"

Bucky grimaced, and was happy for them of course, but he didn't need that.

"Well, I'm glad. We all have dates, nothing could be more perfect!" he said grabbing T'Challa's hand in his. They shared a quick kiss, before Clint could see, and he leaned his head on T'Challa's shoulder.


Jamal was keeping a secret from T'Challa, and the prince was too busy in 'Bucky World' to notice. King T'Chaka has been calling since last month about his son's progress, and the butler would simply reply 'he's fine' or 'he's still not ready to come home'. All lies, but he was trying to keep T'Challa from going back to a place that obviously wasn't influencing him in a good way. He was starting to like it here in Brooklyn, and he even met someone. Something he wasn't capable of doing in Wakanda, being bossed around constantly. T'Challa has grown into a very respectful young man, and he was almost normal.

"Jamal, I'm going to the mall with Bucky to buy our suits for tomorrow night. I'll be home for dinner," T'Challa said walking down the steps while putting on his leather jacket.

Jamal likes Bucky. He's been over the house a few times for dinner, and to just hang out. The boy was obviously head over heels for T'Challa, and Jamal couldn't be prouder. He knows he's the sub father for the prince, but he sees him as more of a real son at this point.

"Ok, take the blue credit card," Jamal said gesturing to the wallet on the coffee table. T'Challa nodded and grabbed the card.

"Jamal, I want to thank you. I know I didn't treat you well enough in the past, but I just want you to know that I consider you as another father. I really appreciate you putting up with me these last 5 months," T'Challa said and chuckled at the last sentence. Jamal was a real team player in this, and he really did appreciate him.

"No problem your highness. Now go meet your boy, I'm sure he's waiting," Jamal said and swallowed the guilt that was eating inside of him.

T'Challa grinned and looked out the window seeing Bucky standing on the porch. He rushed out the door, and hugged the brunette from behind. "Hey," he whispered and Bucky shivered and turned his head and captured T'Challa's lips in a sweet kiss.

"Hey T, ready?"

T'Challa nodded and they went to the bus stop. The prince was not much of a fan of public transportation, but he didn't care as long as Bucky was with him. The ride was short, and they saw their friends waiting for them by the doors.

"The princes of Brooklyn are here!" Tony exclaimed dramatically. Bucky laughed and saw T'Challa's change in behavior. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing," T'Challa said flashing his charming grin. Bucky let it go, and they all went inside.

This mall was very different from the one back in Wakanda, the shops were different and there weren't many lion or elephant statues. T'Challa kept Bucky's hand in his the entire time, except for when they needed to use the bathroom.

"T, should we match?" Bucky asked smirking holding up two matching ties with stars on them. The prince laughed and shook his head. "Whatever you want babe, I'm paying,"

Bucky sighed, not liking that T'Challa offered to pay for everything, and he picked out a suit that was a bit green and he found one for his date that was all black. He loved T'Challa in all black.

Clint was the last to pay, seeing as Natasha was telling him last minute to get a red tie to match with her dress.

"I'll see you boys tomorrow night, it's gonna be lit!" Sam exclaimed and Bucky nodded in agreement still holding T'Challa's hand. They waited for the bus, and Tony noticed a familiar car driving passed them.

"Oh god, here comes the asshole," he muttered against Steve's shoulder.

It was Brock Rumlow and Justin Hammer.

"Anthony! Fancy seeing you here. I see you have a date, how much did you have to pay to get this one?" Justin asked and Tony growled and before he could get up, Steve stopped him.

"Oh, and Bucky Barnes. It's nice you found someone to put up with that Tron Legacy arm of yours, I'm sure it comes in...handy,"

Rumlow laughed at Justin's stupid comment, and T'Challa got up quick from his seat on the bench and walked towards Justin.

"Now listen here you fool, at least we have dates! Unlike your pathetic ass who stands around acting like the tough guy, when you're mom still beats you," T'Challa growled in his face, and Justin's glassed fogged up from his breath being on him. Rumlow stayed quiet, good choice.

"Whatever, I don't know how they do things in Wakanda...but I wouldn't be so cocky Tarzan!"

T'Challa chuckled and grabbed Justin by the collar. "Would you like to know what they do to guys like you? They feed them to the panthers,"

Justin gulped and quickly went back in his car. Rumlow was already inside and they drove off. T'Challa felt a hand on his wrist, and he turned around seeing Bucky smiling at him.

"That was interesting."

"No one insults my friends, and my boyfriend and gets away with it,"

Bucky blushed and bit his lip. "Boyfriend huh?"

T'Challa breathed out a laugh. "Yeah,"

"My hero," Bucky said dramatically and T'Challa grinned.

They shared a loving kiss, before Clint gagged, and saw the bus approaching. The two pulled away and smiled at each other.

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