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"We're under attack!" Clint yelled and grabbed Natasha's hand and she held onto Wanda who grabbed Sam and went under the table closest to them. Tony had Steve close to him and they were just standing in shock, and Bucky was breathing heavily while T'Challa held his hand.

Everyone was panicking, and T'Challa noticed his house symbol on the men. That only meant one thing...

His father was here.

"T, what do we do?" Bucky whispered and T'Challa sighed and let go of his hand.

"I'll handle it," he said and Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and before he could let out a word T'Challa was walking towards the guards.

"Stand down, these people mean no harm. Father, I know you're out there. Stop being a coward and show yourself!"

With that said, King T'Chaka appeared and was looking at his son with a cold stare.

"Well, I see you've matured since your stay here. Jamal has been lying to me the entire time about your behavior, I don't know why, but I decided to come here and get you myself. Pack your things Prince T'Challa, you're going home,"


T'Challa sighed and closed his eyes. He turned and saw Bucky staring at him with a hurt and confused expression. "Bucky I-

"No! You lied to me! And now you're leaving? How could you do this to me?" Bucky asked with tears started to form in his blue eyes that looked a bit cloudy now. Like the sea after a storm.

"Bucky please, let me explain," T'Challa pleaded taking the brunettes hand in his. Bucky gestured for him to continue and the prince let out a sigh.

"I was sent here to change my behavior. In Wakanda, I was kind of a mess. My father wanted me to have a taste of reality, and to straighten up. But what wasn't part of the plan, was meeting you. I fell for you hard, that when I went to bed at night all I could think about was seeing your face the next day. My past was in the past, and you're my future,"

Bucky was speechless. He didn't know whether to be mad or sad, so he chose to just believe T'Challa, and saw his father was staring at their hands that were still intertwined.

"So you're really a prince? Damn, I didn't think I would ever score that high," the brunette said and T'Challa chuckled and turned back to his father.

"So, I have to go?"

T'Chaka only nodded, and he turned away and left the room with all his guards following in tow.

"I don't want you to leave," Bucky said his lip quivering from trying not to cry.

"I know, but I must. I just want you to know that these last few months have been the best of my life. I'm glad I met you James Buchanan Barnes,"

"Me too, your highness," Bucky replied and hugged T'Challa tightly. The prince pulled away and kissed the brunette on the lips. It was their last, and neither wanted to let go.

"I'll see you real soon, you can't get rid of me that easily," T'Challa said reciting what he said before their first kiss.

Bucky breathed out a laugh, still crying and nodded. T'Challa waved goodbye to his friends, and Clint was in tears along with Nat and Sam.

Before they knew it, T'Challa had left.


The next two months have been hell. T'Challa had returned home the night of the dance to see Jamal with a guilty look on his face. The prince only hugged him, thankful he was just trying to protect his relationship with Bucky, and the two had packed their things and got on the jet with King T'Chaka who was quiet the whole ride.

Things have been different since T'Challa's leaving. The whole school started giving Bucky pity about his boyfriend leaving, and others asked if he knew he was a prince before. Clint stopped cracking jokes at lunch, and the whole atmosphere was different.

Bucky became depressed. He stopped caring about how he looked, smelled, and acted. Teachers have noticed this behavior as well, he was failing. Graduation was in 5 days and if he doesn't pass the math final he can't graduate.

This left Natasha, Wanda, and his friends to try and help him get back on his feet. But there was only one way to do that...

Bring T'Challa back to Brooklyn.

The plan was simple. They all go to Wakanda and convince the King that they need their friend back, and once (and hopefully) he says yes, Bucky will be happy and pass his exam and graduate with them. The only problem is that they're all broke, which leaves Tony in a dilemma. The kid is rich as fuck, but he has a budget and his father will notice he took out at least a million dollars from his savings account.

"Guys, you know I would help you but I just don't know if my dad will let me. Plus, Bucky will notice us gone for two days!" Tony exclaimed.

"I have at $100 dollars saved...but that's enough for half of one ticket," Clint said running a hand through his hair.

They all looked defeated, except for Natasha who was convinced they'd get to Wakanda one way or another.

"Son, I'm sorry to be eavesdropping but if its money you need, I'll pay for it. As a matter a fact, I already have the Stark plane ready for you guys at JFK," Howards voice was heard from the living room doors and Tony looked at him in shock.

"Really?! Dad thank you!" Tony exclaimed with a smile. Everyone thanked Howard, and they all got ready for the flight.

"And don't worry about Bucky, I'll handle it," Howard said and waved goodbye to his son and friends. It's nice what they're doing and he's happy to help. Plus, he grew fond of T'Challa for the last 6 months.

Bucky was going to be a challenge though.

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