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T'Challa was currently in his bedroom staring at the ceiling. He's been this way since his father pulled him out of Brooklyn, and like Bucky, was not talking to anyone but Jamal. King T'Chaka has noticed his son's change in emotion and felt a bit guilty for bringing him home so suddenly. He just missed his son and was afraid he wouldn't come back home. T'Challa knew he didn't have a choice but to come back, but he missed his Bucky.

He was in love with him.

It's a shame he never got to tell him. But, he said he would see him again. When will he see him again? That's the question. The prince would look at the photos they took at prom over and over again, and he's cried a few times and had Jamal comfort him.

He's currently in the living room watching Cupcake Wars, Bucky's favorite show. The brunette can't bake for shit, but T'Challa loved how excited he got whenever he watched it. He missed his blue eyes, his laugh, and the way his hair falls flawlessly down his face. Also, he missed his friends. The friends who got to know the real him, not the one's here who only visited him when he got back just to use his swimming pool.

"Sir, there's a call for you,"

T'Challa looked to Jamal in confusion. He never expected it to be Bucky, or any of his friends since calling here from New York was just impossible. So, he got up thinking it was one of his annoying friends and went over to the phone on the desk in his room.


There was a squeal, followed by a 'Shut up Tony' and T'Challa froze. "Hello? T'Challa its Steve! And Tony, Sam, Natasha, and Clint. We're here in Wakanda!"

The prince looked to Jamal with wide eyes, and the butler simply looked just as shocked as him. "What? How did- My friends! I'll send a car to you right away!"

T'Challa hung up the phone and told Jamal that his friends were here.

But not Bucky...

The prince wondered why they didn't bring him.


Soon enough, there were footsteps heard in the hallway outside his room and T'Challa shot up from his bed and opened the door. There was Jamal with his friend's right behind him. Clint was the first one to hug him, and the prince laughed while everyone else decided to join in. Not Tony, he doesn't hug much.

"Damn T, this is your room?" Sam asked looking around the room that was at least the size of his apartment. Steve looked around and noticed the art work, and Tony seemed a bit jealous since he wanted to be the only rich guy in the group.

"My friends! It's great to see you, but isn't graduation in two days?"

They all nodded and Nat decided to speak. "That's why we're here. It's about Bucky,"

T'Challa looked at them alarmed. "IS he ok?"

The redhead sighed and shook her head. "No, he's been depressed since you left. Bucky isn't himself these days, he stopped taking care of himself and only leaves his room to use the bathroom. He doesn't eat, and if he doesn't pass this math test on graduation day he can't graduate!"

The prince was shocked at Natasha's words, and he frowned hearing how his Bucky was basically feeling the same way he is. "Guys, I'd love to go back and help him. To see him again would be amazing, but I can't. My father won't just let me leave again," he said and they all perked up.

"That's why we traveled all the way here! To help you convince him that Bucky is worth going back for, and that you guys are meant to be together!" Steve exclaimed and T'Challa agreed with him.

"Thank you guys. He should be in his office,"

With that, they all followed T'Challa down the long hall to the King's quarters.

"Father! I wish to speak with you," T'Challa yelled before the guards opened the doors.

"Well it's about time son, only took you a month,"

The King looked shocked seeing the kids from Brooklyn in his home and already knew what was happening. He decided to listen anyway.

"Father, I wish to return to Brooklyn to be with my love. I have been a mess since my return, and my friends wish the same. Bucky is not well father, and he needs me,"

"Plus, he hasn't showered in two months and my mom is starting to get headaches because of the smell," Nat added and the King grimaced.

"Go on," T'Chaka gestured for them to continue and Tony spoke up.

"T'Challa was my neighbor and I saw how much he cared about Bucky. The guy was lonely before this prince showed up, and knowing Bucky since he was 4, I know him well enough to say that they belong together,"

"Soulmates if anything," Sam said and Steve nodded in agreement.

"And I know it's hard seeing your son leave home so early, but he's old enough to be on his own. My parents left when I was 12, and seeing how much you care about your son makes me see that you brining him home wasn't just because you were angry. It's because you're afraid he won't come back. But I can assure you that T'Challa will not forget he has family here, he just so happens to have two of them," Clint said and everyone turned to him in shock. The guy who never takes anything seriously was actually saying something smart.

Natasha liked this.

"You're right, but I shouldn't hold you back son. Go, be with your love. And make sure he comes and visits so I can properly meet him!" King T'Chaka ordered and T'Challa grinned and went over and hugged him.

"Thank you father, I will see you soon," he said and the King chuckled and hugged him back.

"I will have Jamal go back with you, I know he misses New York as well,"

The King had them all go back home on the private plane, and Jamal was excited to go back and see his girlfriend. Who funny enough, was Maria Hill?

"Here I come baby," T'Challa said under his breath clutching the photos.

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