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(july 1st)

Packing up and moving from one state to another is extremely stressful. Even though I was just moving from Ohio to Pennsylvania, it was still overwhelming. I had multiple reasons for leaving, though. Like the fact that my brother had already moved there a year prior, he and my mom being the only family I had left, and because I had just gotten out of a three year relationship over a month ago. I was in need of change and I really wanted to be able to go somewhere without being reminded of my ex. Or even worse, actually seeing him. So I got rid of things I couldn't take with me and got together what I could take and drove a U-Haul for almost five hours until I got to my new apartment building. My brother and his friend showed up soon after, helping me bring everything in. Which was mainly just stuff for my kitchen and bathroom and some stuff for my room and around the house. The apartment was fully furnished so I didn't have to worry about bringing a bed or couch or tables. Which made me super happy because that would've stressed the hell out of me. I would've had to pay someone to put my bed together or something, because God knows Calum, Luke, and I cannot put furniture together on out own.

They came back in from going back down to get more boxes, putting them down and exhaling loudly.

"This is the last of it, Sis," Calum said, out of breath.

"Thanks guys," I smiled as I grabbed my purse, fishing out my wallet and taking out some money and handing it to them. "There's vending machines out there next to the steps, get something to drink."

"Can we get a couple more dollars so we can get some snacks?" Calum asked.

I scoffed. "Are you kidding? You guys should have enough money to get some food, I had to pay a shit ton of money for the damn U-Haul, not to mention paying for this month's rent and for new dishes and stuff."

Calum and Luke looked at each other then looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Pleaaase," Luke drawled.

"Guys, it's not working, you just look like idiots." I laughed.

They gave up, sighing.

"Damn, I forgot how mean you are." Calum mumbled, dragging his feet as he opened the door and walked out, Luke following behind him.

I rolled my eyes, then looked at all of the boxes that littered the floor. I searched for the ones with my kitchen stuff first, and when I found them I took them over to the counter. After cutting them open I started taking everything out, taking two of my new kitchen towels and placing them out so I could rinse off the new dishes I got before putting them away. I finished most of them by the time Cal and Luke got back, both of them eating one of the three chocolate bars they each got.

I rolled my eyes again. "Damn, did you guys buy all of the candy bars out of the machine?"

"Maybe," Calum joked with his mouth full.

"I'd really appreciate it if my cool brother and his awesome friend helped me put my stuff away." I complimented, in hopes it would sway their decision.

"Okay," Luke said quickly, putting his food and drink down and looking at the boxes.

"Smooth, bro," Calum chuckled, doing the same.

"You guys can just start by taking the boxes to the room they belong in," I instructed. They did as I asked, picking up boxes and reading what was written on them and taking them to the room they went to.

We were done putting everything away after an hour, Calum and Luke deciding to take a break halfway through because they were 'tired and hungry'. But once we finished they decided it was time to leave.

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