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(july 4th)

It was that time of year again. And, lucky for me, I worked at a bar. Which meant I'd have to deal with even more drunk people than usual and there would probably be at least one fight tonight. But Jo says that Niall and Louis had to break them up, so if a fight did happen, at least it would be somewhat entertaining.

I was drying some glasses and putting them away when too very eager girls came up to the bar and sat down.

"Two gin and tonics, please." One of them said, the other starting a conversation once she finished.

"Think you can handle that?" Jo teased.

"If I couldn't, I'm pretty sure Axel would fire me." I chuckled, getting two glasses and making the drinks. Once I finished I put a lime wedge on each glass then handed it to them.

"Thanks," They both said in unison as one of them handed me a twenty, then walked away.

"Ooh, look at you getting big tips already." Jo said, nudging me with her elbow as she passed by me.

"What can I say, people love me." I joked.

"Let's not get cocky now, they didn't feel like asking how much it was so they hoped that a twenty would cover it and be enough for a tip." Jo said matter-of-factly.

I gave her a look. "Can't you just be happy for me like most best friends would?"

She smiled. "I was just picking on you, don't cry about it."

"Hey, I'm not crying about anything." I gestured at myself.

"That's good to hear," I heard Axel say from the other side of the counter.

"Sup, boss man." I said as I wiped down the counter.

"Should you be, I don't know, managing something?" Jo gibed as she leaned against the counter in front of Axel. She was starting to get kind of daring, I'm surprised she's kept herself together around him.

"Hm, maybe. Shouldn't you be tending to the bar?" He countered.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She gestured at the bar dramatically.

Then Niall and Louis came over to us, as usual.

"You look like you're flirting with Axel, and last time I checked, that wasn't in the job description." Louis provoked her.

"You never know," Niall smirked. "It could've just as well been in her job description."

I laughed at their jokes and Jo glared at me.

"All three of you aren't doing what was in your job descriptions, so I suggest you hop to it." She tried to shoo us away.

Axel leaned in closer towards Jo and slightly whispered, "Now you're doing what's in my job description."

"Oh, I'm sorry," She said shyly.

"It's okay," He winked. "Less work for me,"

I leaned in closer to both of them. "Why don't you guys date already?"

Niall and Louis cracked up behind me.

Jo and Axel looked at me for a moment. Then Axel said, "You know what? That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Maybe we should go out some time then?" Said Jo, suddenly gaining tons of confidence out of absolutely no where. Niall, Louis, and I were completely taken aback by this.

Axel smirked. "That'd be great, how's wednesday?"

"I'm free that day," Jo told him.

"Yeah, I know," Axel said, grinning at her still.

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