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(july 7th)

It was almost eight o' clock, which meant that Jo and I needed to be leaving for work. I walked out of my apartment and locked my door behind me, and Jo came out soon after.

"So, how was your date? I wouldn't know, you haven't texted me or anything about it." I sneered.

She scoffed then laughed. "Well I'm sorry, I was with Axel, so I didnt have time to text you."

"Tell me know then, did it go well? Or are things going to be awkward when we get to work?" I said as we walked to the elevator.

"If it went badly, I wouldn't be working today. Come on now, EJ." She rolled her eyes.

I exhaled. "This is what I get for trying to be a good best friend."


After putting our stuff away, we were on our way out to the bar when we ran into Axel.

"Hey," He smiled, kissing Jo's cheek.

"Hey," She repeated, a blush creeping onto her face.

"So the date went really well, then?" I interrupted, causing them both to look at me.

Axel chuckled. "I think it went great, how about you?"

Jo grinned at him. "Yeah, it was really great."

"Make sure to let me know when the wedding is, and my bridesmaid dress better be cute." I said as I passed them, patting Jo's shoulder.

As I got to the counter, Niall made his way over to me.

"Where's Jo?" He wondered.

"Probably making out with Axel." I smirked.

He looked as if he was going to be sick. "I know I should be happy for her, but I can't help but feel grossed out."

I hit his arm playfully. "She's our friend, lets be nice and support her, okay?"

He sighed. "Whatever you say,"

"What's going on, JE?" Louis said as he joined us.

I brought my hand to my face. "How many times do I have to say you can only call me one of two names? EJ or Eli, that's it. Pick one."

Louis thought for a moment. "Eh, I think I like JE better."

I glared at him. "I swear I'll punch you if you call me that again." Louis and Niall cracked up at my dismay. "It's not funny!"

"It is kind of funny," Niall tried to persuade me.

"It's only banter, love. That's what happens here." Louis smiled at me.

"I can handle 'banter', it's people calling me by the wrong name that I can't handle." I told him.

"Louis, did you call her JE again?" Jo said from behind me.

Louis nodded.

"You know she hates that, cut it out man." Jo laughed.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Niall changed the subject.

Jo gave him a look. "Both of you are going to get a rude awakening when EJ and I kick your asses." Niall and Louis found that hilarious.

"I'd like to see you try," Niall said smugly.

"And I'd like to see you guys on the other side of the bar actually doing your jobs." I spoke up.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Okay, Jo."

Jo scoffed. "You act like saying she's me is an insult."

"Is it not?" Niall joked.

Jo lunged forward, acting like she was going to fight Niall, and he and Louis just laughed and returned to their side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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