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(july 3rd)

I woke up feeling extremely relaxed, because my new bed was the most comfortable thing I had ever slept on in my entire life. I didn't even want to get up, honestly. But I had to because when I checked my phone I saw that Jo had texted me.

Jo the ho 👯:
I'll be over in five, your ass better be up. 😊

I rolled my eyes at her, something I had come to realize I would do very often now that I had moved here. I got up out of bed and switched from pajamas to sweatpants and a t-shirt. I was glad today was Jo and I's day off even though I just started working yesterday. I loved my new job, don't get me wrong, I just didn't feel like doing anything today. After I changed I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up, then went and put waffles in the toaster for breakfast. It wasn't long until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled. Jo peaked around the corner then looked relieved as she came in and closed the door. "What's up with you?"

"I was just making sure you were decent before I waltzed in." Jo said casually as she plopped down on my couch and picked up the remote to change the tv channel. I assumed she was the type of person to make herself at home anywhere and I laughed.

My waffles popped out of he toaster and put them on a plate, then got the syrup and poured it over them, then got a fork and sat next to Jo.

She sighed loudly, leaning back onto the couch. "I am sooo glad we have the day off today. I mean, I know yesterday was your first day but I've had to work all week and I'm exhausted."

I laughed at her. "Are you always this... dramatic?"

She gasped. "Dramatic? Me? Never." We both cracked up laughing at her sarcasm. "Who am I kidding, I literally am a drama queen about eighty five percent of the time. But I completely own it."

I nodded, taking a bite of my breakfast. "I can see that."

"So, have you talked to Harry?" She asked me.

I gave her a look. "Why the hell would I talk to him? We just met and I haven't seen him sense then."

She put her hands up in defense. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you do when I'm not around."

"Nothing. I do absolutely nothing." I stated.

"That sounds so boring," She said as if I had brought the mood down. "Man, we need to go do something when we have our days off. Ooh, what if we joined a gym or something?"

I looked at her as if she was insane. "You're kidding right?"

"Yes?" She said unsurely. "Not the workout type?"

"Bingo," I pointed at her with my fork.

She sighed, undramatically this time. "Hm... I guess we could just play it by ear. We could go shopping, maybe go to HomeGoods so we can get you stuff to decorate this place."

"Hey, what's wrong with my place?" I said defensively.

She shook her head. "Nothing, it's just a little... you know... boring?"

I put my plate down on the coffee table and crossed my arms. "Well, I like it. I mean, I have blue carpet that matches my door kinda... and my room has cute stuff in it. And... fine, I'll go to HomeGoods."

"Yay!" She cheered. "Lucky for you, your new best friend once was an interior designer, so I know a thing or two."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you a bartender now, then?"

Jo looked at me for a second, then said, "Trust me, you don't want to know."

"Okaaaay," I dragged out.

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