- C H A P T E R F O U R

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Before I start I just want to say sorry for a really short chapter and I've updating my writing ( including swearing under 14 years old click away pls watt pad will sue meh ;-; ), so I'll change speech and stuff, and please comment, favourite and add to your library DJ out :>

- Travis POV -
I've been an emo bitch ALL week! I wish Aaron was here, he'd make me feel so much better... I-I MEAN! wait ago Travis! Your an idiot! Any way, I call Aaron cause I miss him a little NOT ALOT a little, '' Hey! I just wanted to make sure your OK! Its been quiet without you... '' I say trying to say with out pulling the biggest cheesy smile, I hear sobbing in the back round, he's depressed? I start to hear a chair moving is he doing something... Regrettable?? I think to myself, I hang up and grab my dark green hoodie, open the door and head out to Aaron's house. I knock the door down and find Aaron in his living room. My eyes begin to water. He was about to commit suicide... '' Aaron?! What in Irene's Love are you doing?!?!?! '' I blurted out, he looks behind himself and stares at me, Aaron says nothing and smiles, without another second I sprint towards Aaron and push him onto the floor before he could hang him self, I land on him and we stare into each others eyes, we learn closer... We kiss. My heart warms up, I've never been this... Happy? Well I have but in this part of my life... I feel like I have a destiny, to be with... Him...

- Aphmau POV -
I lay on the counter waiting for the owner of the cafe to open the doors to let hungry people in, Dangit came to early I whisper to myself, at least I don't have to do work for 5 more minuets, then I have to serve a tuns of people, I wish Kawaii~chan didn't get fired, its been so frustrating with out her. I glance at the door and I see Kateyln, her phone is held up high, it shows Travis' Instagram, he's with... Aaron? Heh bro hug...? No... Kissing?!?!? This must be a dream, I keep repeating in my head, Aaron and Travis likes girls! And Aaron can't be happy when I'm sad! At that moment I knew I had been selfish, I made Aaron unhappy, depressed and hated when I was happy and never knew what a good person he is to me and others.
I guess I did feel happy with him...

-Travis POV - Cause y da faq  not ;3;
Its been a week since Aaron tried to kill himself... I wonder if he remembered we kissed... Eh.. He never remembers something like that maybe...

I'm sorry for a SHORT  chapter I just don't know what to write T~T but if u vote, add to library and share I will do TWO chapters in ONE day! :D and trust me they will be awesome, I'm aiming for 10 votes so I know we can do it ^^;

Aaron X Travis, how did we love?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt