A+ Stalker Clarification

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So, the last chapter of A+ Stalker got some mixed reviews.

And I would like to clarify for all those weirded out and confused with the whole, Ryan thing.

Tagging people who read A+ Stalker (I don't think most you read this so):




joshcolleen2016 (I could be wrong though forgive me)






And everyone else...

Ryan, if you don't know in real life is Lindsey Stirling's college friend. In this book, I implemented Ryan's part as a plot twist to the story.

How'd I Do It?

Quite simple actually. For those of you that read A+ Stalker, know that in chapter 26, The Guilty Plea Up, Lindsey pretty much left Carla with her abusive boyfriend and yada yada yada led to all this stalker business ish.

But remember that guy that dragged away Lindsey? Oh yeah, that was Ryan.

After that party, Ryan and Lindsey were college friends and soon developed feelings thereafter.

So if that wraps things up I best be continuing my work on the new chapter.

Keep Stalking- Queen Of The Stalker Army


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