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So if you guys travel way back to my chapter in which just posted a photo about #LettersToLindsey2017, I'll be clarifying that here.

I believe I already told you guys about the website called Mogul. It's a website for the 18 million women across the world to connect. Lindsey Stirling actually wrote an article there about mental health if you want to check it out.

Anyways, on the topic of Mogul, with the help of the CEO/Founder, Tiffany Pham, she created the Lindsey Stirling hub! Here you can write practically anything about Lindsey. From news, to just about anything!

And this, my lovelies is where my project comes into play.

After this hub was created, Tiffany emailed me about telling you guys about this. (I posted the email previously in other chapters) We also talked about you guys sending in letters that the team at Mogul could send to Lindsey.

We have started this, I have even written my own letter.

But the thing is...I'm the only one who has posted.

I really want you guys to share your letters so Lindsey can read them.

If, for whatever reason, you can make a Mogul acc to post a letter, I don't mind posting it on my acc. Just pm me.

I mean, just imagine Lindsey Stirling reading your letter!

-Queen Of The Stalker Army

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