New A+ Stalker Chapter Delay

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Ok, so some (jk only one person) has been asking when the heck I'm going to update A+ Stalker.

Well, you see...NEVER!!

jK jK, I will update within a few days possibly a week.

I'm kinda stuck with one point's of view so I'm trying to work around it but even then it's hard and this wall of writer's block stands in my way...

Considering I know what the heck is going to happen, wouldn't you think that I'd be able to write on Wattpad?

Eh...that's not the case...

I don't know wtf is life anymore.

But, please stay tuned and if anything, I might, let me rephrase that, MIGHT, update the depressing but life changing story I call "The Arena" if A+ Stalker isn't updated within a week. Lord help me I don't die after writing another chapter...

Love you guys! Please don't of boredom awaiting a new chapter...if you do that when I don't update for too long...

I'll leave you with this so you don't get bored...

I'll leave you with this so you don't get bored

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Keep Stalking- Queen Of The Stalker Army

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